Who Is a Planner Person?


Planning and organizing can show up in all sorts of ways in the lives of all sorts of people. Some of our favorite Golden Coil community members share how they plan, how they don’t, and the role that their planners play in their lives. Join us as we try to get to the bottom of who is a planner person. Let’s listen in!

The not-always productive

“There's a certain level of unproductivity I've just accepted for the time being while I have little kids at home! I believe that's how it should be. I can't make a schedule in the morning and follow it to a "T" every day and still meet everyone's needs because our needs change throughout the day. I think this unpredictability will improve over time, and next year when my youngest is in school full-time, I know I'm in for a whole new world! All that said, each day, I'll physically put pencil to paper and write down a single (yes, just one!) "to-do" that is my top priority. I love checking off a physical box. The "to-do" lists in my Golden Coil planner are my best friend and I have a whole sheet of them opposite my weekly schedule so that I can keep (and check off!) a running list.” 

~ Erin Wilson, designer former Golden Coil cover design winner

The list makers

I like to make lots of lists and write everything down! I often have so many projects happening at once, so I like to organize my lists by project or even by client. By grouping like things together, I can compartmentalize each project and stay on top of my to-do list. I have a tendency to fill up my schedule so having everything written down helps, from fun events to doctor’s appointments, if it is on my calendar, I won’t forget it!

~ Amy Chea, surface pattern 

The exercise enthusiasts

“Recently I made a notebook to be used exclusively as a workout/exercise planner. It is full of the fitness and meal pages where I track workouts and nutrition plans.  I also have a few measurement pages at the back to chart my progress.” 

~ Amy Zemp, nursing student and mother to our Golden Coil founders 

The moment grabbers

Being a homeschooling, stay-at-home mom to three wonderful kids takes a lot of my time during the day, so when they are busy playing or sleeping, I use those moments to plan, research, and create my designs. I am not a highly organized person but I am learning that having some sort of plan or schedule helps me to reach my goals.” Angel Walker, illustrator and designer

The lovers

“I write down every birthday, anniversary and small celebration people share with me so I can intentionally celebrate or mourn with them. My calendar is absolutely filled with reminders of joy and sorrow for other people. On Sundays, I sit down and review these dates and decide if I should send a card or text to let the person know I’m thinking of them, or in special circumstances if my family wants to bring them a meal or flowers. It can be so hard to feel connected to others in our wholly digital world right now, but I think I’m doing my best to love others well.” -Sara Allison, Golden Community member

The jugglers

“My typical day looks quite a bit different these days! I would love to paint a picturesque day-to-day life, but I'll keep it real over here. It is a constant juggle of baby naps and playtime, design work throughout the day (and often into the evening), checking in with family and friends, and the usual tasks at home. It is always busy and a little crazy, but I am learning to roll with the changes, try my best, enjoy the journey, and give myself some grace!”

~ McKenzie Nielson, graphic designer and illustrator

The old souls

“I prefer the ‘old fashion’ way in a lot of things, it's most likely the ‘old soul’ in me. Planning on paper and having a tangible copy of my schedule, dreams and goals, is so satisfying. Not only do I feel productive when taking the time to write out my plans, but having my year written out and getting to look back on it later on down the road, gives my planner the nostalgic feeling I love.”

~ Aly Ryan, Golden Coil social media manager

How do you use your planner? Let us know in the comments

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