Getting to Know Our Team: Aly Ryan

Golden Coil Customizable Planner Aly Ryan

We’re so excited to continue our series of interviews with members of the Golden Coil team! Up next is the lovely Aly Ryan, our social media manager. Aly plays a vital role on our team and does an incredible job curating and communicating on our social media feeds. If you’ve had the fortune of interacting with her, you’ll know she’s gracious, compassionate, and so easy to talk to. We hope you enjoy getting to know her!

1. Tell us about yourself!

“Hi Golden Coil community! My name is Aly Ryan! I am a Texas living' mama to three: Brighton, Jude, and Prudence, and I am Golden Coil's social media manager! In my free time you can find me hitting up all the local thrift shops and bookstores, taking photos, and loving on my sweet babies! When I am not doing those things I am most likely the person you are chatting with when you engage with us here at Golden Coil! Nice to formally meet you all!”

2. What do you love most about using a paper planner?

“I prefer the ‘old fashion’ way in a lot of things, it's most likely the ‘old soul’ in me. Planning on paper and having a tangible copy of my schedule, dreams and goals, is so satisfying. Not only do I feel productive when taking the time to write out my plans, but having my year written out and getting to look back on it later on down the road, gives my planner the nostalgic feeling I love.”

3. What is your current mantra/life advice?

“My current manta/forever mantra is by the one and only, Bob Dylan. ‘Be groovy or leave, man.’ You can find that as the quote of my choice in the front of many of my Golden Coils.”

4. What are you looking forward to?

“Something I am looking forward to are the sweet summer days and nights- when my babies are home from school, we stay out long past dark, and we eat waaaay too much ice-cream. (if there is such a thing!)”

We love Aly and are so grateful for all she adds to the Golden Coil team!