An Interview with Amy Zemp

Golden Coil Customizable Planners Amy Zemp founder

Happy Mother’s Day! Today we wanted to share a special interview with our most important founder—our mother, Amy Zemp. She raised 7 kids while also directing our local live theatre and it’s because of her that we were inspired to create Golden Coil. We knew from her experience that every woman’s scheduling and planning needs are unique and we wanted to create the perfect planner for her. Enjoy some wise insight from Amy!

1. Tell us more about your background in theatre! What got you into it? What do you love about it?

I have loved the theatre my whole life; it’s my happy place. I grew up singing and dancing and had a very creative imagination. One day I was sitting in a community theatre rehearsal and realized the director was struggling a bit. He turned to me and said, “Any ideas?” Of course I had ideas! I jumped right in and choreographed an entire number by the time I was done. The director loved it, the cast loved it, and I was in heaven! I began to direct shortly after that. I love the entire creative process and find it enlivens every part of my being. I love working with others and watching them develop their talent which results in their increased self-confidence. The theatre is just an amazing place; I learn so much about the human spirit every time I attend any form of theatrical art. It makes me SO happy.

2. You are a superhuman! What are some of your tips for juggling your kids’ schedules?

When my family was in full bloom I had 7 kids at home, ages 1-15. We were extremely active with school, extracurricular activities, family activities, trips, church, etc. Vigilant scheduling was the key! I had the largest month-at-a-glance calendar I could find and I color-coded the schedule. It was vibrant and so easy to identify who needed to be where at all times. One other thing that was critical was being able to say, “No, our schedule is full,” which allowed us to enjoy time to just be still.

Golden Coil Customizable Planner Amy Zemp founder

3. What are your favorite pages to use in your Golden Coil planner?

Currently I am using an Emily Schramm cover filled with “Weekly Single-Page, Section 3” pages. As Golden Coil was starting out, Trisha and Michelle designed this page according to my very need—I’m extremely lucky to be their mom. Everything I need is on one page; daily schedule, meal planning, goals, journaling, sticky note space, and I use some of the to-do space to keep track of homework and assignments. I have 18 months in my planner so I can plan way ahead.

Recently I made a notebook to be used exclusively as a workout/exercise planner. It is full of the fitness and meal pages where I track workouts and nutrition plans. I also have a few measurement pages at the back to chart my progress.

4. You’re clearly an expert in managing a lot of family members’ belongings. What are your top 3 tips for keeping your space organized?

First, have a place for everything. I had nine “lockers” lining the garage entrance to our home. The top area of each locker was for sports and gym equipment, the middle area was for coats, and the bottom drawer was for shoes and boots. Whenever kids’ stuff was laying around the house, I would have them pick it up and put it in their locker. If they asked where something was, I simply said, “Your locker.”

Golden Coil Customizable Planners Amy Zemp founder

Second, de-junk regularly. Too much “stuff” makes a home feel out of control and hurts my soul. I used to follow the FlyLady and tweaked her routines to fit my home and family. It was so manageable and got my family into some really useful habits. I couldn’t have thrived without her!

Third, tidy up every night before going to bed. It’s hard to get out of bed when you know the kitchen sink is full of dirty dishes and a bomb went off in the family room. Picking up before bed allows me to feel peace at the end of the day.

5. What’s the most fulfilling part of being a mother?

My immediate response to this question was, “GRAND BABIES” of course! However, creating an extraordinary family is what has been the most fulfilling part of motherhood. I have been so blessed to have participated in raising seven amazing human beings: watching my children grow into beautiful adults who have come to know who they really are, learned to love themselves, have developed their skills and talents, and are living exemplary lives. Watching nine individual people learn to love each other, figure out how to work through problems together, and create an overwhelming environment of love and compassion for one another is what is truly fulfilling.

6. What’s at the top of your bucket list right now?

A masters degree in Nursing! I went back to school last year and completed all the pre- & co-requisites to get a nursing degree. I have been accepted and start nursing school this fall and will be done in two years. I just love learning!

And we love Amy! Feel free to leave her some love in the comments. Happy Mother’s Day!