52 Ways to Share Kindness with Others

As we approach summer, you may be entering a busy season. Or if you’re lucky, you have some relaxing days in your future. Either way, if you’re craving adding a fun challenge to your family’s routine, we have a great list today. 

All of us could use some more kindness in our days. And the only thing that tops receiving kindness from others is the feeling we get when we spread kindness to others. Today we’re sharing a fun list of 52 ways to spread kindness in your home and community. 

  1. Work as a family to make an assortment of greeting cards and envelopes to gift to a family member or friend. Bonus points for including stamps and a favorite pen too! 

  2. Help a neighbor with an outdoor project. Clear snow, leaves, mow their lawn, or volunteer to help weed flower beds. 

  3. Hold the door for someone. 

  4. Bring a bag of basic groceries to friends when they return from a trip away. Think milk, eggs, bread, carrots, a rotisserie chicken or frozen pizza. 

  5. Hide a note in a child or sibling’s backpack to offer words of encouragement before a big test. 

  6. When a friend discusses something they are anxious or nervous about, like a doctor’s appointment or interview, make a note on your calendar to send an encouraging text or follow-up on the day of their appointment. 

  7. Surprise someone in your house by cooking their favorite meal. Decorate the table and enjoy the special meal together. 

  8. Make a commitment in conversation with others to focus on listening and asking thoughtful questions. True listening is a skill that takes effort and offers others respect. 

  9. Create a calendar with handmade drawings, special memories and quotes. Add important family dates and occasions to each month. 

  10. Let someone in front of you in line. 

  11. Leave a basket of snacks and bottled water or drinks outside your door for delivery drivers. 

  12. Make a playlist of favorite songs for a friend’s work commute. 

  13. Donate outgrown clothing and toys to a local organization. 

  14. Call an old friend to catch up. 

  15. Write words of encouragement on the sidewalk. 

  16. Bring some flowers and a gift card to a teacher. 

  17. Check in at your local animal shelter and see if there are supplies they are in need of. Organize friends and neighbors to collect items to deliver. 

  18. Bring a loaf of fresh bread and jam to a friend. 

  19. If you have wonderful service at a restaurant, find the manager to share your compliments. 

  20. Make a batch of homemade playdough to give to a preschooler. 

  21. Keep sticker sheets in your bag and hand out to kids who might be struggling while waiting in line. 

  22. Compliment a stranger. 

  23. Purchase a grocery store gift card while checking out and ask the clerk to give to someone who comes through their line. 

  24. Offer to run an errand for a friend. 

  25. Send a card to a service member. 

  26. Host neighbors for an ice cream sundae party in the yard. 

  27. Check in with your local nursing home and see if you can volunteer as a family to visit with residents, hand out candy, spend time chatting or playing games. 

  28. Send a box of citrus fruit and a favorite recipe to a baker friend to brighten up their day. 

  29. Bake a batch of homemade cookies for your postal delivery person. 

  30. Leave a note of encouragement and bookmark in a library book before returning it to the library. 

  31. Bring a favorite meal to someone who needs it. 

  32. Give the gift of time to someone. Offer your afternoon to a loved one to spend the time as they would like to spend it. 

  33. Collect shopping carts in a parking lot and return them to the store. 

  34. Write a note of encouragement and make a copy of a favorite poem. Stick on someone’s windshield. 

  35. Drive a friend to a doctor’s appointment. 

  36. Organize neighbors for a litter cleanup afternoon. 

  37. At dinner time, go around the table and share a favorite memory or moment you’ve had with each person.  

  38. Give your seat to someone else. 

  39. Tape a gift card and encouraging note to a gas pump. 

  40. Leave a container of bubbles and chalk at a local playground. 

  41. Offer to babysit for a friend. 

  42. Commit to not complaining for a day. Challenge yourself to a week! 

  43. Offer to carpool your kid’s friends to school. 

  44. Make a family member breakfast in bed. 

  45. Do a chore for a family member. 

  46. Raise money for a cause you believe in. 

  47. Water flowers for a neighbor. 

  48. If a new family moves to the area, host them for a meal and make a list of your local favorite places to give to them. 

  49. Pack a surprise picnic for someone. 

  50. Put your friend and family’s anniversaries and important dates on the calendar and send a note or text on the day. 

  51. Write a letter to an old teacher to share your memories and say thank you. 

  52. When you meet someone new, remember their name and use it in conversation. 


We hope this list inspires you to share some love with family, friends, and strangers. And we want to hear from you! Do you have favorite traditions for spreading kindness to others? Tell us in the comments below!