Interview with Mariana Walker

We’re so excited to introduce you to Mariana Walker! Mariana’s beautiful cover design was this year’s Design Contest winner and is now available as one of our printed covers—we hope you enjoy hearing more about her and her design process!

A bit about myself:

Hi there! I'm Mariana, born and raised in Mexico City.
I see myself as a curious, creative, and highly intuitive person, with an instinct for spotting details and finding harmony in design and colors. Nowadays, I'm an architect and a mother of two little girls, running an illustration and pattern business, specializing in designing personalized wallpaper.
My intention is to spread beauty and magic through my work, crafting products for a warming and creative lifestyle inspired by nature.

How did I become an artist?

To be honest, I still sometimes have a hard time calling myself an artist. However, since I was a child, brushes, paint and paper have allowed me to find a way to connect with myself. Art has always been “my happy place”.

In 2022, I enrolled in “Immersion course” with Bonnie Christine. Not only did it captivate me with surface pattern design, but it also encouraged me to create daily and share my art with the world.

And now… here I am!


What does your typical day look like?

Being a mother and an entrepreneur at the same time can sometimes feel like riding a roller coaster but trying to stick to a routine helps a lot!

My day kicks off with early mornings, getting my daughters ready for school. I make sure to make time to exercise afterward; it not only boosts my mood but also helps me keep my mind sharp. Next, I dive into work. While I mainly work from home, I enjoy switching things up by working from my favorite coffee spots every once in a while. Lately, as I’ve been focused on getting my wallpaper shop up and running, my days are a mix of painting, creating new designs, answering emails, providing estimates and even getting wallpaper installed for clients.

In the afternoons, I transition into full-time mom mode, trying to spend quality time with my girls; I wrap up the day by cooking dinner and sharing it with my husband.

At night, when everyone is asleep, I indulge in a bit of “me time” to recharge and find balance. I love diving into a good book and pouring my thoughts and experiences into my illustrated journal. Whether it's creating gratitude pages, sketching landscapes, or preserving memories from the day, it's a way for me to nurture myself and reflect on life’s moments.


How do you come up with designs? Walk us through the process.

I never know when inspiration will strike, so I always carry a sketchbook and a bunch of pencils in my handbag. That is how I keep ideas flowing and ready to revisit them later.

Living in a vibrant city like Mexico City, with its rich culture and bustling streets, can be overwhelming at times. However, I try to keep my senses open, embracing the surprises that come my way. Needless to say, my cell phone is filled with photos capturing inspiration.

When it comes to creating art, I have a little ritual. I set the mood with some instrumental covers and a cup of chai latte to help ignite my creative spirit. 

I always begin by hand drawing, as it helps me visualize the design and grasp the scale of the repeat pattern. Then, I translate everything onto the computer or my Ipad. Sometimes, I have a color palette in mind, but I also allow myself to experiment and enjoy the process. However, I must confess, being an overthinker and a perfectionist means it can take me a while to decide when my design is ready. I’m actively working on loosening up and allowing myself to play more during the creative process.


What keeps you creatively inspired?

I find my greatest inspiration in nature, which is why I love spending time outdoors, taking long walks, and going hiking whenever possible. I also enjoy visiting botanical gardens, as they allow me to reconnect with myself and feel most in tune, sparking my creativity. 

Additionally, I have a passion for traveling and immersing myself in new experiences, meeting people from different cultures and exploring new places. It’s a source of endless inspiration and fuels my creativity in unique ways.


What is your best advice for staying organized and productive?

I’m the queen of to-do lists! They´re my secret weapon for staying organized. Since my mind tends to multitask, writing everything down is key to ensure I won't forget anything. But my ultimate productivity hack is planning my day ahead the night before. I like keeping my planner on my nightstand, so when I wake up, I already know what to expect, where to start, and which tasks to prioritize with my attention and time. 

Thats a wrap! We hope you enjoyed getting to know Mariana a little better as much as we did! Go show her new cover design some love!

Happy Planning!