10 Ways to Use Your Bucket List Page

Our bucket list is one of our all time favorite plus pages that we offer here at Golden Coil! It’s so fun to set up a list of things you want to do or accomplish and check them off! Today we are coming at you with 10 ways to use your bucket list plus pages in more than just the traditional way!

  1. Foods - use your bucket list page to list out some foods you want to try or to cook! New recipes or treats, and then invite friends or family over to try them with you.

  2. Books - make a book bucket list! List out all of the books you want to read in the upcoming months. You could do this by genre, length, audiobook or actual hard copies. 

  3. Vacation destinations - this could be for the year, for the next several years or just places you want to go to in your lifetime!

  4. TV shows/Movies - ask your friends and family members some of their favorites or make a list of ones you have been wanting to watch for awhile. Check them off your list as you go! It will be nice to have when getting ready for a trip in which some travel time is required on the front and back end and you can download some for a long car or plane ride. 

  5. Hobbies - list out all the fun hobbies you have been interested in and want to give a go! This can be knitting, skiing, hiking, cooking, baking, scrapbooking, martial arts, the list goes on and on!

  6. Exercise classes or movements - make a list of strength exercises you want to master and maybe a 1 rep max that you want to achieve. List out some group fitness classes that you have always wanted to try but have never gotten around to.

  7. Restaurants - what restaurants have you been wanting to try? Fancy or hole in the wall, go for it! List them off and invite a loved one to experience them with you!

  8. Hikes - Are you an avid hiker? Do you have a long list of places you want to hike and experience? Make a hiking bucket list! This can be some local hikes you have been wanting to try, or you could go big with some famous international hiking desitnations!

  9. Hairstyles/Colors - Changing up your hairstyle or color is such a fun way to show your personality and a great way to switch things up on occasion! Writing it down can be a fun way to get the ball rolling with trying something new!

  10. Places you want to live - this idea is for the wandering soul. For the people that don’t want to settle down in one place for too long and who want to experience lots of cultures and atmospheres. It can be a temporary place to live or somewhere you want to try for a couple of years. It can be so inspiring to dream these places up!

We hope some of these ideas have sparked your dreams and imagination of how you can utilize your Bucket List page for more than just a traditional all encompassing list!