Building Confidence in the New Year

We are a few weeks into January, a time when the polish of the new year and maybe our resolve or focus has waned a bit. The beauty of our planners is the way they help keep us connected and focused on our goals. Maybe you’re a resolution maker or maybe you stopped setting them years ago. One goal we’ve been discussing this month is building confidence in ourselves. To find that ease and comfort in our own skin and the ability to take on new challenges without fear. To accept and love ourselves where we are at this moment in time. Have you had similar goals? Today we’re sharing the tools that are helping us build confidence and hopefully you’ll find a helpful tip to incorporate into your routine too! 

Where are we struggling?

Identify areas where you lack confidence. Are there situations or activities that trigger negative feelings or anxiety? Maybe things you avoid doing because they feel too difficult or scary? Grab your journal and explore this question. What feels most difficult and hard right now? Are there small steps you could take to ease this burden? 

Making a plan with small, actionable steps will hopefully lessen the anxiety and stress you might be feeling. Being equipped with a plan you can execute on will also make the situation feel less daunting. Write down the simple steps you can start with to break what feels big and scary into smaller, digestible pieces. Check in with yourself as you progress to help motivate you to keep going.

What can we release? 

What are you holding on to that could be holding you back? Do you stop yourself from fully committing or completing something because you are worried about failing? Explore this by journaling or discussing with a trusted person in your life. Often we avoid taking on new risks or opportunities to protect ourselves from failure. If we don’t try something, we might miss out on something good, but we also won’t fail or look foolish, and sometimes that’s more attractive than even the most incredible opportunity. But imagine if you are able to push through your fears and limitations, what you could experience! The reward may come with risk and chances to fail, but also chances to thrive and move you beyond your expectations or self-imposed limitations. 

Building a Positive Environment

One way we build confidence is to shape the environment we are in. Take a look at your surroundings. Do you feel you have positive relationships in your life? Supportive family and friends who show up for you? Surround yourself with these people. If you’re feeling vulnerable, these people will help encourage you, offer accountability, and listen when you need them. 

What about taking care of yourself? Do you spend your time only focused on taking care of those around you? Are you feeling threadbare and stretched thin? How are you showing up for yourself and making time to address your own needs? Identify where you can carve time for yourself. Put your phone away, limit your distractions, and devote a little time to caring for you. This might look like getting up 30 minutes earlier than anyone else. It might mean allowing yourself time to move your body, write in your journal, take a hiatus from social media, or walk around the block. This gift of time and attention will help you stay connected to your inner self and will in turn help you better show up for the people in your life.

Where is our focus? 

In order to appreciate the big, beautiful moments in our lives, we also need to appreciate the small, ordinary moments we experience everyday. We’ve talked so many times about building a gratitude practice, but it truly helps shift the mind and our outlook. Cultivate a habit of noting what you're grateful for everyday. Tune into the little things. They can be the most minor, seemingly insignificant moments, like finding a good parking spot, or seeing a bird on the feeder outside your window. It could be sitting by a cozy fire on a cold night, or your niece’s giggle, or lazily spending an afternoon reading a book. Use your notebook as a journal to record bright moments from your days. As we look for the good, we see more and more of it everyday.

Challenge yourself to spend 5-10 minutes sometime between when you wake up and eat lunch to sit with your notebook and record a few thoughts, maybe what you’re thankful for, a highlight from the day, what you’re looking forward to, or recording a worry that has been on your mind.  

Bit by Bit 

Finding the right level of challenge and commitment can be tricky, but give yourself time to explore and try different things. Commit to small, doable acts that you can see all the way through. Making good on simple promises to yourself will not only feel good, but will bring a sense of accomplishment, purpose, and pride when you complete them. 

Continue encouraging yourself with a positive mindset. If you haven’t reached your goal, perhaps you haven’t reached your goal yet. But consistency and positivity one week at a time will help get you there. 

We’d love to hear from you! Have you felt a lack of confidence in your life? How have you built yourself back up? What strategies have helped you find your way? How has your journal helped you in this process? Sending encouragement and love your way! 

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