Getting Comfortable Outside of Your Comfort Zone

Each of us has a comfort zone. It’s our safe place where we feel secure knowing what to expect in situations. It’s our everyday routine, somewhere familiar, and a place where we can be ourselves. For some of us who have experienced challenges or trauma over the years, having a comfort zone is especially important and takes time to build. But if we only ever stay in this cozy safe place, it can hold us back from exploring new opportunities and growing in new ways. Today we’re exploring ways to honor our comfort zone and help you find ways to step outside of it.

Negative Self-Talk 

When a new opportunity arrives, after the initial excitement wears off, we may find ourselves unable to commit to it. So what’s holding us back? Do you find yourself making excuses or trying to talk yourself out of trying something new? Are your thoughts steering you away from the opportunity? Dig into it. The root of this negative self-talk is in our fear. We fear getting hurt and failing. And if we don’t step toward the new opportunity, there’s no risk of failure! When you feel the negative thoughts creeping in, try to meet yourself with compassion and care. Remind yourself that you are not your thoughts and you are capable of trying new things. We can acknowledge our thoughts and keep moving forward. Remind yourself of your strengths and that you possess the ability to take on a new opportunity. 

Set Goals 

As you move forward with a new opportunity, think about what you will need to do to get there. Your planner or notebook can come in handy to help you brainstorm your thoughts and jot down the main goals you would like to meet. Our Goals layout in our + Pages is our favorite goal setting layout. There is space here to map out the year, breaking down your goals into manageable tasks with progress tracker tools to utilize and map your progress. 

Small Steps 

When dipping your toes into something new, start small. Taking on too much too quickly might overwhelm you and cause that negative self-talk to kick in. We’ve become wired to expect results instantly. Be patient with yourself and your progress. Small steps help us build consistency and celebrate small wins along the way. Each of these steps builds on the other and improves our confidence in our abilities. As you set small goals and meet them, celebrate these small victories! Use the progress tracker tools available to you to track your wins along the way. 

Pause & Assess 

As you move out of your comfort zone and tackle a new challenge or opportunity, pause and review your goals. Assess whether your goals make sense or if you need to adjust your plan. Keeping your focus on taking small steps will make the new challenge less scary, more familiar, and manageable. Challenging yourself in new ways will help you tap into new strengths and knowledge within yourself. 

Cultivate a Positive Outlook 

When in doubt, stay positive. When you feel the negative self-talk creeping in, remind yourself of your strengths and the small victories you’ve already accomplished. Be patient and kind with yourself and use some positive self-talk to lift yourself up. Remind yourself, “I am capable and have the ability to take on new challenges.” Surround yourself with others who will cheer you on and support you. And remember, you are growing more experienced regardless of the outcome! This process will make you more resilient and strong. 

We want to hear from you! Have you stepped out of your comfort zone lately? How have you tackled a new challenge in front of you? How has the experience impacted you?

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