Preparing Your Mind for Summer

Summer is around the corner and we are here for it at Golden Coil! It is such a good time to travel, enjoy the longer days and spend time outside. However, the transition to summer can be difficult. The days of schedules and routines tend to go out the window and can be hard to grip back onto. It can throw us into more chaos than we are ready for, so this post is all about sharing a few tips of how to prepare your mind (and your planner) for summer!


1.     Allow Flexibility


This can be a difficult one to transition to after months of strict schedules and routines, especially if you are in school or have kids in school. Try to remind yourself that an impromptu night out or staying out later than normal is okay and is likely to occur a few times throughout the summer months.


2.     Schedule what you can ahead of time


For those of us that struggle getting into a more laid back summer attitude, plan out what you can in advance so you feel more prepared and in control. Vacations, play dates, dinners, BBQ’s, etc. are all activities that can be planned in advance.


3.     Revise your schedule for more versatility


Although summer often calls for more unscripted days than normal, you can still stick to a great schedule that will work for you. Consider adding more time for certain things, knowing that things come up and others may get pushed back. Put in a few “catch-up” days in your planner so that you can prioritize any work projects or other tasks that may need to get done.


4.     Saying “No” is okay!


I am guilty of getting in a “Yes” attitude during the summer, and it can often become overwhelming. Just because summertime is generally a more fun and laid back time, doesn’t mean I have to say “yes” to every activity, dinner, or get together. Keep this in mind when planning your summer months.


5.     Enjoy yourself!


Enjoy the long, warm days. Go somewhere new and fun, even if it is just to a town near you that you have never been to! Go hiking, eat good food, and spend time with friends and family. Before you know it, stricter schedules and routines will be back and you will be looking forward to warmer, more relaxed days.

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