Page Highlight: Brain Dump

When it comes to planning and organizing, everyone has a different approach. And that’s okay! That’s why we’re so big on customization here at Golden Coil. Because in order to plan and manage your schedule well, you have to have the right tools and resources for YOU. 

This is where our Extra Pages come in handy. These pages come in many different categories and cover topics from calendaring to health and wellness. Today’s blog post will highlight our Brain Dump page. Personally, this is one of my favorites.

Let’s break it down!

The Brain Dump page is one of our more simple pages. It has two main columns of lines with shorter lines on the left and longer lines on the right. This layout works because there’s so much you can do with it. The Brain Dump page also has a place to write the date, so you can keep your notes and ideas organized if they’re time-specific. 

What “Brain-Dumping” is:

Brain-dumping is the act of taking everything that’s cluttering your mind and putting it on paper. By moving your jumbled thoughts onto a page where they can be organized and made sense of, you help clear your headspace. Think of brain-dumping as a more frequent kind of spring cleaning.

How to Use Your Brain Dump Page:

There’s no right or wrong way to go about brain-dumping. If you’re an avid journaler, think of it like freewriting in your journal. You can simply open the page and write whatever flows out. This might look like paragraphs, bullet points, or something else. 

If you need a little guidance on how to do this brain-dumping process, I recommend breaking up your brain-dump into segments. In the left columns, jot down categories like work, relationships, ideas, etc. Break these up so there are a few lines of space between each one. Then, write down whatever words or feelings tie into that category. Don’t worry about writing “perfectly,” just write what’s real. 

When to Brain-Dump:

You can brain-dump whenever you want! Although, when you’re customizing your Golden Coil planner, you have the option to add this page weekly, monthly, or at the start or end of your planner. But the bottom line is that you should brain-dump whenever you’re feeling stressed, overwhelmed, or need clarity.

Why Brain-Dumping is Beneficial:

Brain-dumping can feel really good, but it also has some real benefits to your health and overall wellness. 

  • Helps with memory

  • Improves focus

  • Lowers stress

  • Clears up headspace

  • Can calm racing thoughts

  • Reduces distractions

  • Gives you a sense of control

  • Helps with reflection and gaining perspective

  • Boosts productivity

Where to Find the Brain Dump Page:

Toward the end of customizing your Golden Coil planner, you’ll see a + Pages tab. Here, you’ll want to select “Projects.” Our Brain Dump page will be the first one you see.

Thanks for reading today’s blog post! I hope it gave you a better sense of all the ways you can customize your planner to make it the best one for you. But before you go, I want to leave you with a quote:

“Put your thoughts to sleep. Do not let them cast a shadow over the moon of your heart. Let go of thinking.” 

- Rumi

The thoughts you filter onto your Brain Dump page may be ones of stress and anxiety, or, they might be exciting ideas for the future. No matter what they are, remember that thoughts and feelings come and go. They flow like many other things in life and being able to capture them when they’re happening can be a beautiful thing. Brain-dumping is a simple tool, but it’s an effective one that can help provide you a piece of calm and control.

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