In a Rut? Journal Prompts for Progress

Today we’re discussing journaling. Do you keep a journal? Are you dedicated to writing in your journal everyday? Maybe you’ve never journaled or you go in spurts with writing. There are many types of journals; stream of consciousness, writing on a specific topic, gratitude, food, productivity, and dream. The list continues. No matter what approach you take, journaling has many proven health benefits, including managing anxiety, facing past trauma, and meeting goals. There’s no right or wrong way to journal. Try building a consistent routine, such as journaling for 10-15 minutes a few times a week. Keep your journal in a safe spot and stick to your set routine. Our notebooks make wonderful daily journals! Pro tip: Leave the first few pages blank. After your journal is full, you can go back and read/highlight past entries. Use your first blank pages to make a table of contents to track the most meaningful pages or entries you wrote. 

We’ve collected some journal prompts to keep handy for occasions when you don’t know what to write in your journal. Print this list and tuck in the back pocket of your journal for an instant inspiration boost when you need it. 

These prompts can assist you as you process emotions and grow through difficulties. 

Emotional Growth 

  1. What situation is weighing on me? 

  2. What do I need to forgive myself for? 

  3. How has life changed in the past year?

  4. How can I separate my feelings from the behavior of others? 

  5. What positive affirmations do I feel most connected to? 

  6. Who is a positive person in my life? 

Is your heart feeling heavy? Use these prompts to work through anxious feelings. 

Anxious Feelings 

  1. What am I worried about? 

  2. What can I control and what do I need to let go? 

  3. Which activities bring me peace and comfort?  

  4. How can I shift my mood? 

  5. What are five things I am grateful for right now? 

  6. What items in my home bring me comfort? 

Perhaps it’s time to explore a new pursuit. Use these prompts to help zero in on your goals. 

Finding Passion 

  1. What fears hold me back from pursuing something new? 

  2. What activities bring me the most joy? 

  3. What does my ideal day look like? 

  4. What dreams feel unreachable? Are there small tasks I could try to achieve my dream? 

  5. When do I feel the most comfortable in my own skin? 

  6. Describe a time I felt very confident in myself. 

These prompts will help us look ahead and define our aspirations. 

Looking Forward  

  1. Which daily habits do I want to work into my life? 

  2. What are three things I would tell my past self? 

  3. If I could spend one day with anyone, who would it be? What would I do? 

  4. What do I want to overcome this year? 

  5. Who holds me back or makes me feel less than? What boundaries do I need with this person going forward?

  6. What song inspires me? 

These may be letters we never send, but they can help us process past hurts and find new confidence. 


  1. Write a letter of forgiveness to someone who has caused me pain.

  2. Write a letter to someone who inspires me. 

  3. Write a letter of forgiveness to myself. 

  4. Write a letter to someone I love. 

  5. Write a letter to a parent or grandparent. 

  6. Write a love letter to myself. 

We want to hear from you! Tell us all about your journaling practice (or lack thereof) in the comments below! 

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