What to Do When Your To-Do List is Empty

Though it may seem like an impossibility, there may be moments when you have a completely blank to-do list. In these moments, research has shown we might actually feel stress trying to decide how to fill that time. We feel pressure to maximize it because it is often so scarce. It’s our hope that if, after doing a little happy dance, you find yourself at a loss of what to do next, we can help take the stress out of your leisure with these suggestions:

  1. Spend time on your hobbies. Oftentimes, hobbies get put last, behind family responsibilities, work, and yes, to-do’s. So take advantage and put energy toward something you enjoy!

  2. Treat yourself! Whether it’s a manicure or a massage, a Netflix show or lunch out, take some time to celebrate your hard-earned free time.

  3. Meet up with friends. Adult friendships can be tricky with busy schedules and competing responsibilities, so putting in time and effort goes a long way. Invest in those relationships when the opportunity arises. 

  4. Take a nap. There’s no shame in resting when your body’s tired. Usually we just push past it and continue on with our day, but listening to your body and allowing yourself the luxury of a nap can help you recharge.

  5. Read a book. There’s nothing quite so wonderful as curling up with a good book, and with your to-do list out of the way, it’s completely guilt-free pleasure! 

  6. Play. If you’re a busy parent, chores and to-dos can sometimes take precedence over spending one-on-one time with your children. Take that clear schedule to get on their level and immerse yourself in their world for a while. 

  7. Meditate. Just because your to-do list is clear doesn’t mean your mind is. Spending time with your thoughts and breath can help alleviate stress and anxiety.

  8. Continue your education. This could also fall under hobbies, but if you’re like me and love online classes, an open schedule provides the perfect opportunity to learn something new!

  9. Plan ahead. And if crossing off your to-dos gives you immense amounts of joy, you can always begin planning tomorrow’s list!

Here’s hoping you have lots of opportunities to utilize this list for some stress-free downtime. You deserve it!

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