Mom's Day: A Guide to Thoughtful Gifting

Mother’s Day is in less than three weeks! Eek! Today we’re sharing a collection of fabulous ideas on how to take your Mother’s Day gifting from a last-minute formality to a thoughtful recognition of the amazing Momma(s) in your life.

How does Mom express love?

When it comes to celebrating a special relationship, I love referencing Gary Chapman’s 5 Love Languages. While we typically think of the 5 love languages in relationship to a romantic partner, they actually apply to any and every important relationship, and likely Mom fits into this category! When considering what to do for Mother’s Day, take a minute to identify how she shows her love to you. A handwritten note? Taking a few chores off your plate? Dropping by a meal from your favorite restaurant? Planning family parties? Try to mirror her expressions of love by speaking her love language. 

The Words of Affirmation Mom

It’s tough to quantify the emails, letters, texts, and spoken words of love I’ve received from my Mom. She’s definitely a Words of Affirmation lady. In 2020, I decided to create a Mother’s Day poem in an effort to speak her love language. At the conclusion of a Mother’s Day celebration, I read the poem aloud in front of the family, and it was a HIT! Laughs, tears, and hugs ensued. 

To get started on your own ode to Mom, consider listing the stand-out moments you and Mom share in chronological order. Turn each memory into a simple stanza or a couplet, if rhyming is your style!

The Physical Touch Mom

If mom is a hugger, an expert back-scratcher, or even a fitness enthusiast who values a physical experience, consider adding a massage gift certificate to the Mother’s Day bouquet! You can also consider booking her an appointment for a pedicure at her favorite salon when you know she’ll be free! If you have the magic touch yourself, I’m certain she wouldn’t turn down a good foot rub after Mother’s Day dinner.

The Acts of Service Mom

Can you think of a task Mom dislikes, or maybe doesn’t have the skills or time to complete? A true labor of love for an Acts of Service Mom might look like:

  • Converting her boxes of printed photos to digital files on a hard drive

  • Deep cleaning the baseboards and walls

  • Yard work: mowing, trimming, pruning, weeding & planting

  • Managing her subscriptions

  • Decluttering her email inbox or computer desktop

  • Customizing and ordering her Golden Coil planner for her

  • A kitchen pantry organization/makeover

  • Replacing high light bulbs or broken appliances

  • Repairing a broken faucet or door handle

Luckily for all of us, most acts of service usually only require a little bit of listening, and a little time in your schedule. By thinking ahead, you can hit a (service) homerun with Mom this year!

The Quality Time Mom

Take initiative this year! Offer to host a Mother’s Day dinner, and forbid Mom from helping out this time around. Delegate parts of the meal and decor to other family members or order takeout from a great local restaurant! Be sure to tell everyone to plan on sticking around after dinner! Chat, play family games, take a walk, or watch a movie together. Get cheesy and go around the room sharing what you love about Mom. 

You could also consider planning a girls weekend away! Go in with other family members to cover a plane ticket and/or hotel stay and surprise mom with the itinerary in an envelope! These trip memories will last a lifetime, and you taking the lead in planning will mean the world to Mom. 

The Gifts Mom

One of the best ways to show love to a Gifts Mom is to keep an ear out for her wants and needs, and find a quality product to fill that want or need! We might be a teensy bit biased, but OF COURSE, we think a Golden Coil planner (or notebook!) is the absolute best gift for any Mom on Mother’s Day. Whether your Mom is a planner-lover, a journaler, a list-maker, a freelancer, or a domestic expert, we know she will love the experience of designing and using a high-quality, personalized organization tool.

We hope you’ve enjoyed these ideas for honoring your amazing Mothers this season! Happy Gifting!

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