How to Make Your Morning a Breeze

“Tomorrow starts today” was one of my dad’s many mantras. “There’s no time like the present” was another. These are two reminders that are often at the back of my mind: the things we do at present set the foundation for the future.  When I sat down to write this article, and audited my own morning ritual, I realized, my tomorrows do start today, or more specifically, at night. Here are 10 things you can do the night before that you’ll thank yourself for in the morning.


Check Your Schedule

On more than one occasion, I sat down at my desk in the morning only to realize that I have a full day of meetings, knocking out any work I’d planned for the day. Or surprise, I forgot I had scheduled my dentist appointment during soccer practice pick-up. Nowadays, I try to do myself a favor and set my expectations for tomorrow before I head to bed.


Commit To and Adjust Plans

If you notice a conflict, or something you’re just not feeling up for, you now have ample time to mitigate, cancel, or adjust plans. Deciding which plans you’re going to commit to, and which you’re going to forego the night before gives everyone involved a little grace. 


Check-In with Your Household

My partner and I always ask each other what we have on tap for the next day. That way, if I’m heading to work for a morning meeting and he’s on baby duty, we’re all on notice. 


Make Your To-Do List

Making my to-do list while sipping my morning coffee used to be one of my small AM joys. Now I make my to-do list the night before and sometimes recognize quick tasks I can do that night rather than waiting for tomorrow.  I find new joy in starting the day with a thing or two already checked off my list. 


Make a Lunch Plan

The old me used get so caught up in the work of the day, I’d skip lunch which was a lose-lose-lose situation. I’d be cranky and unfocused, which meant I was less efficient at work, which made me more cranky, and then I’d take all that crankiness home. Don’t be like me! If I look at my schedule the night before and see a booked day, I can plan ahead for lunch. If my partner and I are both working from home, I may pack a picnic lunch (nothing fancy, a humble sandwich will do!) so our lunch-hour isn’t eaten up in the kitchen. Packing lunch (for anyone) takes a lot of brainpower, brainpower that I just don’t have in the morning, and at night, it’s oddly soothing. I’ve literally patted myself on the back when opening the fridge in the morning to see I’d already made lunch. 


Prep Breakfast

I like a hot breakfast, but I’m often too tired to make one in the morning. If I’m showing up as the best version of myself, I’ll do prep at night, like making all of the components of breakfast tacos at night, or making a batch of oatmeal I can just reheat!


Pack Your Work Bag

I love a good handbag and carry many. This means my things shift between bags and I often have to comb through three purses before I have everything I need to leave the house for the day. While I love the extra steps I get running up and down the stairs every morning looking for my keys, you’re probably better off saving that energy for something else.



I know there are folks fervently opposed to the night shower. Be it by necessity or by choice, I get it. But if you’re not completely adverse, a warm shower may help you sleep better and there’s something so satisfying about getting into fresh sheets when I’m squeaky clean. 


Streamline Your Wardrobe

I’m a mood dresser, meaning I wear what strikes me. I have friends that lay out their clothes the night before (which is a great way to go and will certainly streamline your mornings), but that’s just not me. If you tried and failed at laying out your clothes as part your nightly ritual, try pulling a week’s worth of items from your clothes, and move them the front of your closet. That way, you’re not trying to make an outfit out of your entire wardrobe, but instead are just focusing on a few pieces.


Check the Weather

It’s a total downer when you’re in your favorite summer shift and have to rush back inside to change your clothes when you open the door to a torrential downpour. 

We’d love to know, what are your favorite ways to make YOUR morning a breeze?

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