50+ Ways to Beat the Winter Blues

It might be October, but winter is around the corner. This means colder, shorter days are ahead, and for many, the dreaded winter blues. After the holidays wrap up, many of us can feel let down as the long winter months stretch in front of us. But winter can be a beautiful, cozy time. A time for rest and reflection, to hibernate and take extra care of ourselves before spring comes again.

We’ve brainstormed some of our favorite ways to ward off the impending cold days. We hope this list cheers you and gives you some fun, cozy ideas to look forward to this winter. Consider printing and adding to your planner to inspire you each week!

  •    Make a pot of soup or stew. Share with friends. 

  •    Buy some fresh flowers. 

  •    Write a letter to an old friend.

  •         Invest in a warm coat, boots, and accessories. 

  •    Learn a new hobby, such as knitting, embroidery, sewing.

  •    Complete a book binge (Challenge yourself to read 4-8 books in a month).

  •    Take on a weekend cooking project/make a challenging recipe.

  •    Do a jigsaw puzzle.

  •         Eat foods rich in Vitamin D, such as mushrooms, fish, cheese, and eggs. 

  •    Get outside for a walk every day.

  •    Have a board game night once a week.

  •    Eat dinner by candlelight.

  •    Watch a movie marathon (by director, best picture, etc).

  •    Build a fire.  

  •    Take a winter hike.

  •    Host a cozy dinner with friends.            

  •         Consider purchasing a light box or bright lamp to mimic the sun.

  •    Make paper snowflakes.

  •    Make beeswax candles.

  •    Stay in pajamas all day.

  •    Practice yoga.

  •         Make homemade pizza on Friday nights. 

  •    Meditate for 5 minutes in the morning and evenings.

  •         Start an articles or book club. 

  •    Bake homemade bread.

  •    Visit a museum.

  •    Make a cozy warm drink.

  •    Go on a photo booth crawl around town.  

  •    Make a bird feeder.

  •         Host a cookie swap.

  •         Crack the windows once a day and let in some fresh air. 

  •    Start and finish a TV series.

  •         Choose a cookbook to cook through with a friend. 

  •    Make an evening pot of tea a winter ritual.

  •    Bake and deliver something to a neighbor.

  •    Visit the library.

  •         Make the house cozy with warm blankets and candles. 

  •    See a play or dance performance.

  •    Clean a closet, organize a drawer.

  •    Lay out plans for a garden.

  •    Play in the snow.

  •    Take a hot bath.

  •         Wear bright, cheerful colors or add some colorful accessories to your home.

  •         Get plenty of sleep. 

  •         Eat seasonal foods such as winter greens, squashes, root vegetables, and broths. 

  •    Go bowling.

  •    Have friends over for spaghetti night.

  •    Listen to an audiobook.

  •    Find a sauna to sit in. 

  •    Take a 10-day break from social media. 

  •    Make a winter playlist.

  •    Read a poem aloud.

  •    Visit a conservatory or greenhouse.

  •    Bake cinnamon rolls.

  •    Hang fairy lights somewhere in your home and keep them up all winter long.

  •    Go ice skating.

  •    Break a sweat and workout.

  •    Paint with watercolors. 

  •         Have a living room dance party. 

  •         Assemble a photo book of favorite memories from the past year. 

What do you look forward to each winter? How do you fight the winter blues?

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