Helpful Pages to Prep for the Holidays

With October comes cooler weather, a change of leaves, and the anticipation of holidays to come. It’s the month that seems to usher in the rest of the holiday season. Whether it’s costumes for Halloween, travel plans for Thanksgiving or crafts or gifts for Christmas, it’s never too early to start planning. By thinking ahead, it leaves time to enjoy the moment once it arrives, instead of scrambling to get things done. Your Golden Coil can help in intentionally planning for and enjoying each holiday as it comes. Here are some suggested pages to help you make the most of your holidays.

Brain Dump is a helpful page for all holidays because sometimes there’s just so much on our minds, and the to-do list seems never-ending that getting it all out on paper is the first step to planning. First, clear your mind and then consider each holiday, one-by-one.

For Halloween:

  • Planning on making yours or your child’s costume? Try Storyboard 2 to sketch out ideas and a plan of action.

  • Planning an epic Halloween party? Use the Event Planning Page to map out the menu, shopping list, to-dos, guests, and decor. This page keeps your party plan easily visible all in one place.

For Thanksgiving:

  • Traveling to see family or friends? The Travel page can help you keep track of your packing list, budget, to-do before you go, and the activities you want to do once you arrive at your destination. Tip: Write down flight numbers, booking IDs, etc. so you have them in one place and can easily reference them.

For Christmas:

  • Keeping track of all the gifts you intend to or have bought and where you’ve purchased them can be overwhelming. Alleviate some stress by using the Holiday Gifting and Online Orders pages. These two pages can help keep track of the who, what, where and when of gift giving, including whether a package has arrived or not. Tip: Include the order/tracking number to reduce the need to jump from website to website or scroll through emails. Using a Budget page or blank Spreadsheet specifically for Christmas can also keep you on track financially.

  • Schedules can fill up quickly between Christmas recitals, work commitments, family parties, and other festivities. The Month at a Glance page is a great way to look ahead and see all of your plans in one spot.

  • If you’re planning Christmas crafts, the Storyboard pages are a great way to sketch them out, plan your tree decorations, mantel or outdoor light scheme.

Hopefully some of these tips can help you have a meaningful, stress-free holiday season.

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