Getting to Know Yourself

Getting to know yourself Golden Coil customizable planner

Have you made a list of 20 new things you want to do, learn, or become while staying home during social distancing? SAME! We’re not experts at this whole “getting to know yourself” business, but we have a lot of things we want to try! Today we’re sharing our list of the 6 things we want to work on to get to know ourselves better. 


Have you gotten into this Enneagram buzz? We’re going to start with this test and see how it helps us understand our personality better. We also want to work on self-improvement by learning how we relate to others. We’re planning to start by reading about vulnerability in Brené Brown’s Daring Greatly. Have you read it? What did you think?


Extra time at home is the perfect time to fill out all your bucket lists! It’s a great way to get your dreams down on paper and prioritize the most important items. We’re going to work on our lists for: 

  1. Things we want to make this year

  2. Places we want to travel

  3. Concerts/musicals we want to see 

  4. House projects we want to accomplish

  5. Purchases we want to save for

  6. New skills we want to develop

What bucket lists are you filling out right now?


We want to try some new things to get in touch with ourselves. We might try some guided meditations and use this habit to force ourselves to be quiet, reflective, and introspective. We’d like to spend more time journaling and pondering. We also want to spend more time listening to what our body needs, whether it’s more sleep, more water, some shifts in what we eat or just more time away from our phone. We’ll probably be using a lot of our Wellness +pages to troubleshoot!


Home is a great place to try out new fashion shame-free! :) What a great time to dig down and really figure out our style! It’s a great time to support small or local businesses, so we’ll be working on planning our capsule closet and investing in beautifully crafted pieces. Good thing Pinterest can help us put together a mood board! Follow us here to see our capsule closet updates.


We know we’ve said we’re huge fans of Big Magic (see our review here), but this isn’t a bad time to give it another read. And then to pursue our curiosities and the things that bring us to life! Maybe it’ll be watching tutorials for cooking or DIY home improvement. Or researching how to start a pollinator garden. Or signing up for a woodworking or pottery class as soon as we can. There are so many exciting things to explore! What are you curious about?


We also want to spend some time continuing our education in areas where we want to start new or areas where we want to learn more. There are so many online courses to explore, especially with Masterclass, Bluprint, or Lynda. Have you tried any of these courses? What topic did you learn about?

What are your favorite ways to get to know yourself? Share with us in the comments below!

image: @armelle_blog