Lauren Asay of Ros Co. Design

lauren asay of ros co. design golden coil customizable planners

Here on the blog, we’re introducing a new series of interviews with inspirational women. Lauren Asay is one of our favorites! She’s an excellent designer and her work is uplifting and full of color and life. We had the chance to chat with her about her work and loved her insights!

1. For those who don't yet know you, tell us a bit about yourself! Who are you? What do you? And most importantly, which Hogwarts House do you belong to? :)

Hi, everyone! I'm so happy to meet you. I'm Lauren Asay of Ros Co. Design. I live in Panama City, FL, with my 3 cute boys and husband. I specialize in creating custom brand identities for businesses of every size. I also love puns, bold color, typography, and words that inspire and help others feel like they're always in good company. If I'm being honest, I had to take the Hogwarts quiz! Turns out I'm a Hufflepuff. Is that good or bad?!

2. Your work is so lovely and bright. What keeps you inspired?

Thank you! I want for others to feel understood and seen when they view my work. I take inspiration from daily life and often, what I'm experiencing or going through. Although we're all different and our challenges are distinct, there are common feelings and sentiments that we can all relate to and I think that's one of the most lovely things about being human. 

3. How did you find your calling/niche/career? How did you know it was what you wanted to do?

Good question. I didn't graduate from college until I was 25! It honestly took me about 3 years of taking general classes and other classes that seemed interesting to find what really made me tick. I took an intro graphic design class and was hooked instantly! It was a really great feeling after having searched to find the right thing for so long. I've been so happy with the career path I've chosen. From working as an in-house designer during school to designing at a branding agency in New York City and everything in between, nothing has felt better than landing here as a freelance designer, working for myself and setting my own schedule. But, the steps I took to get here were so important. It feels so good to be able to continue to do what I love as a mom of 3.

4. What would you say is the most important daily habit that contributes to your success?

Daily, I think it's super important to step away from client work and do something for your own benefit—something to scratch that design itch and keep things interesting. It's so easy to get bogged down in projects and while so much of what I do is fun and interesting, I still have to do my own thing. It's sometimes fun to focus on solving design problems for myself since most of my time is spent doing it for others.

So many thanks to Lauren for sharing some inspirational thoughts with us! Be sure to check out her beautiful work on Instagram!