Our Top 7 +Pages (and How to Use Them!)

Golden Coil Customizable Planners Top 7 Extra Pages +pages

We understand the decision fatigue that can come from creating your customized Golden Coil planner! If you’re trying to decide which layout is best for you, check out this post. If you’re feeling overwhelmed choosing your extra pages, here’s a list of our top 7 +pages and how to use them. We hope this helps you narrow down your picks! :)

Golden Coil Customizable Planners Top Extra Pages +pages


This is one of our most popular and versatile calendaring +pages! The 2-page spread gives you plenty of room to fill out the big picture items for each month, whether that’s looking forward to big events you have planned or it’s looking back at the milestones from the year. You could even use this page to write a short journal entry for each month!

Golden Coil Customizable Planners Top Extra Pages +pages


By far our most popular meal-planning page, this 2-page spread gives you plenty of room to plan out your meals and grocery list. The lined page on the left is perfect for jotting down recipes or for writing out an extended grocery list. The right page has room to plan out each meal for the week as well a space for your grocery list and some extra lines write down your meal-related goals for the week.

Golden Coil Customizable Planners Top Extra Pages +pages


We love this +page (and so do a lot of our customers!) :) This +page features a row for each social media post with columns to write out the idea, the post date, and related to-do items. The last column has a handy checklist to track your progress on each post because we all know checklists = satisfaction!

Golden Coil Customizable Planners Top Extra Pages +pages


Do you ever feel like your brain is full of ideas and you just need to get them written down before you lose them? Think of our brain dump +page as a kind of Pensieve, if you will. :) The left side of the page features a shorter column for jotting down lists while the right side of the page features a wider column for a more detailed write-up. It’s a great page to help you get everything down on paper so you can then visualize and organize it!

Golden Coil Customizable Planners Top Extra Pages +pages


Nothing beats an ongoing bucket list and adding this +page to your planner makes sure you get those dreams and ideas written down! That’s the first step towards actualizing them, right?! This +page has columns for the activity, notes, date accomplished, and of course, a checkbox! We also love that this bucket list includes a section for star ratings of each activity.

Golden Coil Customizable Planners Top Extra Pages +pages


There are a lot of details to keep track of during the holidays, especially when it comes to getting everyone’s gifts ready! That’s why our holiday gifting +page is a customer favorite! You’ll have columns to track which gifts you’ve purchased and for whom along with a space to track the date you ordered it and how much it cost. The checkboxes for “arrived” and “given” will also help you keep everything organized in your mind!

Golden Coil Customizable Planners Top Extra Pages +pages


Our password +page is an excellent alternative to keeping a list on your phone (especially if you were to have tech issues!) The page features columns to track every detail of your accounts so that you have everything in one accessible place. This is one of our customers’ most frequently used +pages!

What are your favorite +pages? Share with us in the comments below!