8 Simple Ways to Jumpstart Your Creativity

No matter what career you have, whether you work in an office, from your home, or are a stay-at-home parent, we all find ourselves falling into ruts. We might feel burnt out, exhausted, stuck in a neverending Groundhog Day like feeling of monotonous routine. When we are young, life stretches out ahead of us and everything feels doable, possible. No idea is too out there and we are the most open to absorbing new concepts and ways of thinking. As we age, we become more tied to our routines, order, and want a sense of control over our lives. We become more risk averse and often carry a heavier load of stress and worry than we might have when we were younger. The stakes feel bigger, the risks harder to take on. It can be harder to feel connected to our creative sides. If you’ve recently found yourself feeling stuck or uninspired, today’s post is for you. Today we’re exploring 8 simple ways to get back in touch with our creative selves. 

Get Outside 

When in doubt, walk it out. Sometimes we need to step away from our desks, out of our houses, and get some fresh air. Even a quick trip around the block can revitalize us when we’re feeling bored or uninspired. Set aside time in your schedule to get out for a walk. If you can find a bit of nature, like a local hiking path, get out in the woods. Take in the elements around you. What do you see when you look up, down, and at the horizon? What do you hear? What can you feel and smell? Connect with your senses and fill your lungs with fresh air. You might return indoors with a new perspective or idea. 

Write it Down 

Our best ideas can come to us in the oddest of places. And you might think you’ll remember your idea to write down later, but chances are more likely you’ll forget it before you can jot it down. Keep notepads or post-its handy around your home. We’re talking about near the sink, in the living room, bathroom, laundry room, and in your car. Your next great idea could hit in the shower, and this time you’ll be prepared to write it down. Collect your notes and jot them down in your planner or notebook to keep your brainstorm in one place. 

Take a Pause from Media 

It’s not going to be easy, but consider a break from all media for a day. This means no radio, podcasts, music, books, audiobooks, social media, videos, or television. Could you try it? It sounds extreme but sometimes we forget what it means to sit quietly with our thoughts, without a podcast playing in our ears or television on in the background. Quiet the noise and chatter and give yourself over to the quiet. Replace your media consumption with quiet activities to nurture your body. You might try stretching, yoga, taking a bath or hot shower, or writing in your notebook. In your car, keep the radio off and roll down your window. It might not feel the least bit enjoyable, you might really struggle with this! But you also may return after a day or week (gasp!) feeling renewed and refreshed and inspired with some new ideas. 

Finish a Project 

Finish something you’ve long put off. It could be the abandoned knitting project you started during the pandemic or the half organized storage area you started on and lost motivation to finish. Just go finish something. It will feel like a win, no matter how big or small. We need to remind ourselves that we can finish what we start. Even if it’s hard or difficult. As you tackle this half finished project, you might find you simply are unable to finish. The project may be too hard, beyond your abilities or attention. This can be a lesson as well. This could be something you need to let go of, a past version of yourself that you tried but isn’t serving you anymore. If that’s the case, you have permission to let that piece go. Remove it from your space, and give yourself room to grow. 

Brainstorm with an Inspiring Source 

Considering a new career or project? Find someone in your life who has already achieved your goal. Pick their brain. Find out what has helped them get to where they are, what has been difficult for them, and what strategies kept them on track as they worked toward their goal. Remember, each person’s experience is unique, what is hard for one might be easy for another. Learn from the conversation and take ideas to weave into your own routine. 

Try a New Medium 

Are you a recipe developer and burnt out in the kitchen? A painter feeling uninspired to pick up the brush? Change mediums! Pick an activity you don’t normally do and try something new. Shake off self-consciousness and dance around the room. Never painted in your life? Sit down with some watercolors and explore. Used to writing at your computer? Get outside and use your hands to garden or build something. Shifting our brains out of our comfort zones can open up new ways of thinking or approaching ideas.

Creative Exercises and Goals 

If you’re someone who needs more structure and plans, consider setting small, achievable goals for yourself as you begin a new endeavor. Interested in writing a book? Set a goal to write for 10 minutes a day, everyday, for 10 days. Wanting to improve your cooking skills? Set a goal to cook three new recipes each week. Want to learn how to use your new camera? Set aside time a few evenings a week to watch tutorials or take a class to learn the features of your camera. The only way you can achieve your bigger creative goals is by digging in and doing the day to day work. Make a plan and remember that consistency and commitment will keep you on track, even if the progress feels small.

Turn Off Your Critic 

It’s much easier to not try something new isn’t it? New can mean scary and failure. Maybe even epic failure! If you don’t try, you won’t fail and that feels much safer. But if you never try, you’ll also never know! Turn off your pessimistic, critic brain for awhile. Put your head down and go on autopilot towards your goal. Get in and do the work each day, bit by bit. When you hear your critic chattering, hit the mute button. Keep going. The critic is just scared and you don’t need to feel scared. 

We’d love to hear how you’re tapping into your creativity! What inspires you when you feel burnt out? Have you been sparked by any new ideas recently? If you’re feeling inspired, did you know our Design Contest is starting soon? Everything kicks off February 26th, so stay tuned in for details! 

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