Self-Care Suggestions for the Busy Person

When life gets busy, we often and unconsciously turn to auto-pilot. 

This way of operating allows us to buckle down and get what needs to be done, done. This method can prove useful in a crunch, but it’s not a sustainable solution. You’re a human, not a robot, and taking care of yourself—especially when life gets busy—is crucial. 

Whether you’re a parent, running a business, have personal responsibilities to tend to, or all of the above, it’s important to remember that you’re a person who needs taking care of, too. And if life makes you feel like you’re burning the candle at both ends, it’s probably time to incorporate some self-care into your day-to-day. 

If all this busyness sounds familiar, today’s blog post is for you. Here are five self-care suggestions for YOU, the busy person: 

1. Create a morning and night routine you can stick with:

In the midst of a schedule that has you going full speed ahead, having a reliable routine can help give you back a sense of control. A morning and night routine is a great place to start, and creating one you can easily stick with is key. Even if your routine is as simple as washing your face or fitting in 10 minutes of reading time, it’s worth it. When you follow a routine that has basic, straightforward steps, you actively encourage yourself to slow down. Carving out a routine is also a great way to grant yourself a little “me time” each day.

2. Practice habits of gratitude and reflection:

You’ve likely heard all about the benefits of practicing gratitude and reflection, but have you actually tried it? If the answer’s no, now’s a great time to start. There are SO many ways you can practice gratitude and reflection in a way that works for you. Journaling and meditation are two great places to begin. Each practice is meant to be grounding and help you better connect to yourself and your life. They’re also easy and don’t require much—just a little patience, discipline, and quiet. 

If these don’t sound doable to you, though, no worries. There are many other ways to practice gratitude and reflection. Try adding the Reflections page into your Golden Coil planner. You can add as many of these pages as you want. And this way, you can easily do and take your reflections with you wherever you go. 

3. Set boundaries and get unstuck: 

The busyness of life will always ebb and flow. However, if you feel like you’re running a neverending marathon more often than not, it may be time to re-examine your boundaries. Are you letting work or other people take up all your time? Are you left feeling like your cup is beyond empty at the end of each day? If yes, do some deep thinking about what is and isn’t serving you, and consider what you can change or even remove from your life. It’s okay to say no to people and it’s okay to accept help from others—it’s also more than okay to prioritize yourself. In order to give energy, care, and love to the important things and people in your life, you have to fill up your own cup first. 

To help remind you to prioritize yourself and your happiness, we’ve created the self-care quote pack. This addition builds in little cues and reminders to inspire you to care for yourself each week. You can find this in the Add-Ons section when you customize your planner.

4. Make sure you’re taking care of yourself when it comes to the basics:

While many of these self-care suggestions are great for adding a sense of calm and control into your life, it’s equally as important to take care of yourself in the basic sense. Are you eating enough? Sleeping enough? Are you taking the time to do something as simple as shower? If your answer to these questions are anything other than yes, it’s time to shift your priorities.

If finding the time to eat regularly is a challenge, try keeping nutritious snacks on hand so you can at least eat something. If getting enough sleep is an issue, work in power naps, and so forth. When it comes to your basic health and care, you have to make taking care of yourself a priority.

5. Get outside:

One of the simplest ways for you to practice self-care when you’re busy, is by simply getting outside. Regardless of if you’re a “nature person” or not, spending just a few minutes outdoors each day can do wonders for your mental health. It’s scientifically proven to improve your mood, and it can help relieve symptoms of anxiety and depression. Take your dog for a walk. Eat lunch outside if the weather’s nice. Sit on your porch or balcony for a few minutes each morning. Open a window while you work. No matter how you choose to connect with nature, snapping yourself out of your routine and throwing in some Vitamin D and fresh air is sure to give you a sense of renewal and peace. And when it comes to self-care, that’s huge.

Whatever place you’re in—whether that’s non-stop movement or you’re simply burnt out—take some time to care for yourself now, not later. Incorporate the things from today’s blog post that resonate, and feel free to add, do, or try anything else that will help you ground yourself. With all the time and energy you spend on other people, it’s time to start giving back to yourself.

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