Spring Cleaning Made Easy

With warmer weather starting to peek into our days, and sunshine starting to be more of the norm than a rarity, you may start to feel the itch to start getting through your spring cleaning checklist. However, spring cleaning can sometimes feel super overwhelming – like this massive list of to-do’s where you have to clean every single square inch of your house.  That can be done if it is something you enjoy or have time for, but this post is for those that want to do some spring cleaning but don’t have the time or energy to get too nitty gritty!


First off – let’s make a plan! Having a plan and breaking things down into smaller pieces is a great way to get motivated! For this post, we will be doing one section of the house per week. By doing it this way you have the opportunity to choose to split things up into smaller daily tasks, or if one day you are on a roll you could probably knock all of the tasks off depending how large your living space is!



Week 1: Bedrooms


For bedrooms you want to focus on doing things that you don’t do on a normal basis like vacuuming or changing your sheets. Here are a few recommendations for cleaning your bedrooms:


-       Dust the baseboards

-       Clean out the window tracks

-       Clean/dust blinds

-       Dust bookshelves/dressers/nightstands

-       Overall declutter


Week 2: Bathrooms


Unfortunately, bathrooms are a place that need to get a little extra attention. Here you will want to spend the time doing some more in depth cleaning due to the nature of the room.


-       Clean toilet/floor surrounding toilet

-       Clean vanity/mirror/organize and vacuum out drawers

-       Sanitize the floors

-       Clean the tub/shower

-       Wipe down the walls and baseboards with a disinfectant


Week 3: Kitchen


Kitchen’s can seem overwhelming when it comes to spring cleaning, but remember we are trying to stick to tasks you don’t do on a daily or weekly basis. For the kitchen here are a few things to do that don’t happen often!

-       Clean out fridge and sanitize shelves/drawers

-       Pull fridge out and vacuum/wipe down floors behind it

-       Clean oven (look up how to best clean your oven as this will help speed up the process and ensure you are using the right products!)

-       Pull out oven and vacuum/wipe down floors

-       Clean/wipe down microwave


The rest of the kitchen tasks such as wiping down surfaces and organizing/decluttering drawers are the more daily tasks so if you are on a roll, go ahead and do it! If not, cleaning out the oven, microwave and fridge are huge accomplishments!



Week 4: Outdoor Spaces


Depending on how big your outdoor spaces are, this may become a bigger task. Take it a day at a time and get as much done as you can!


-       Wipe down/sanitize Grill or Smoker (if you are on a roll and have the time – give those grill racks a good scrub!)

-       Wash/wipe down any outdoor furniture or toys that were left outside all winter.

-       Sweep out the garage, car port or patio if you have them!

-       Reorganize any storage space you may have let get out of hand through the holidays/winter months!


Week 5: “Catch All”


This week is one of my favorites, because it is where we will do anything we either didn’t get to during the previous weeks, or where you can tack on new tasks depending on the needs of your home. (ex: office/playroom) Below are great places to start if you are tacking on new tasks!


-       Dusting

-       Wipe down walls

-       overall decluttering/organizing


We would love to hear your feedback if you end up following this list and that it helps you feel that spring cleaning can be manageable for everyone!


Happy Spring Cleaning!!



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