15 Ways to Savor the Cozy Season

We are entering the cooler months of late fall and early winter. You likely have a full calendar with the upcoming holidays, but before you know it, the quieter days of winter will settle in. But we don’t need to dread it! If you’re anti-cold weather, anti-winter, we’re here to help! We can lean into the cozy and give ourselves moments each week to anticipate and savor. After the holidays have passed you by and you feel the darker, longer days settling in, keep this list handy or pick your favorite ideas and add to your planner to refer to when you need a little seasonal pick me up! 

  • Stay active! Make it a goal to get outside everyday, no matter what the weather! Invest in proper layers and footwear. If you’re worried about running or walking on ice and snow, you can purchase spikes to connect to your shoes or boots. 

  • Lean into the light. We’ve got less daylight right now so savor what you have. Work near a sunlit window. Walk in the sunshine in the morning. When you are outside, breathe in the warmth of the sun and be grateful for it!

  • Focus on eating seasonal foods. We are in a grounding, warming place where we can nourish ourselves with fiber rich vegetables like squashes, potatoes, mushrooms, cauliflower, and leeks. Eating nutrient rich leafy greens and healthy fats will help keep you energized and satisfied as the winter continues. Focus on roasting and slow cooking this season. Roast, braise, stew, and take your time.

  • Warm yourself. If you’re lucky to have a fireplace, get it going! If you don’t, candles and lamps or fairy lights will cozy up your space ! You can fill a hot water bottle and place it in your bed about 30 minutes before you crawl in. Cozy slippers and a favorite sweater will also help keep you warm and comfortable as temps drop. 

  • Pick one night to designate as game night. Invite neighbors over for a casual evening to play a new game. You can rotate games every week or choose one game to play each week like euchre or backgammon. 

  • Keep your sleep habits consistent. If you’re a night owl, make an effort to go to bed earlier. In this season our bodies require more rest and recharging time. Lean into it! Keep your bedroom a calming space and try to keep your bedtime consistent, even on the weekends. 

  • Keep up your social connections! If friends and family are far away, connect over a video call to cook dinner together or catch up. Schedule a workout with a friend or invite local pals over for an easy, no-frills dinner like a pot of soup or pan of lasagna. 

  • Savor the small stuff! Buy yourself some flowers at the grocery store. Snuggle into your favorite sheets on your bed. Enjoy a hot cup of tea or cocoa after dinner. Wrap up in a favorite scarf or try a bold makeup choice to shake up your routine.

  • Honor your inner child and get out in the snow! Make a snow angel and throw a snowball. Plan a nighttime hike or walk when the moon is full (Ps. November 27th, December 27th, January, 25th, February 24th).

  • Tackle an organization or house project on your list. Put on a favorite movie and organize photos on your phone or computer. Clear out storage shelves and closets and toss, donate, and organize the contents. When spring cleaning comes, you’ll be ahead of the game!

  • Host a family dance party! Put together a playlist, lower the lights and bust out your best moves with your family. 

  • Plan a trip! It doesn’t have to be extravagant, even a local winter excursion will boost spirits and mix up your routine. 

  • Try a new skill. Think about something you’ve always wanted to try and set aside time to do it. Always wanted to try water coloring painting or rock climbing? Find a local studio or climbing gym you can visit. 

  • Give yourself a spa day. Take a break from chores and indulge in some extra skincare and relaxation. Enjoy a hot shower, an at home pedicure and manicure, face mask, and massage. You don’t have to splurge on a fancy spa to enjoy yourself.

  • Plan for spring. Draw up plans for your outdoor space, dream up the garden you will plant, and the places you’d like to go as winter draws to a close. 

How are you preparing for winter? What are your coziest and favorite ways to pass the cold days ahead of us? Tell us in the comments below!

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