Planning with Flexibility in the New Year

Today, we’re doing quite a bit of reflecting on the lessons 2022 has presented us with. Life is dynamic! People, places and circumstances are ever-changing. Even if we have a plan, it’s tough to predict what is in store. We are discovering more and more that flexibility is key to excellence. It enables us to thrive amidst the peaks and valleys of life.

So, how does flexibility apply to your planning strategy in 2023? We’ll tell you.

Lead with Your Strengths

The first step to planning with flexibility is knowing what’s already going right for you. What is your current foundation? What systems or rhythms click for you? What personal traits, motives or habits keep you moving forward? Lead with these strengths. Continue to do what’s working. This is where we will build from!

Perform Regular Assessments

Once you’ve identified your strengths and have a regular planning system in place, the next step is to perform regular assessments. Another way to frame this step is: Observing self and surroundings in detail, with curiosity. Here are a few questions to guide you in this process!


  • In what areas do I feel positive momentum? How can I adjust my approach to maximize that momentum?

  • When am I most effective? What am I doing with that time?

  • What elements of my planning routine are causing burnout?

  • What could I cut out or replace to free up emotional bandwidth?

  • In what ways do I most desire to grow and change?

Environmental Assessments:

  • What changes have recently occurred in my world that I need to take into account? (digital, physical, social, emotional, financial, etc.)

  • Is my schedule serving or straining important relationships? How?

  • What needs surround me that can I fill? Which of these needs do I want to fill?

  • How am I showing up for others in areas of responsibility?

  • Check in with key players in your life whose opinions you value. What adjustments do they see that can be made?

Be Open, Willing & Adaptable

Sometimes people lean on rigidity to help themselves cope with a heavy load. Sometimes they default to immovability to create a sense of control in times of uncertainty. While we are huge advocates for routine and organization, we also believe that it’s critical to stay pliable enough to compromise, modify and change. Life is bound to throw us a curve ball from time to time. Or maybe a tidal wave! With practice, we can learn to curiously approach problems and find solutions. Regular adjustments, even if they are few and small, will quickly teach us how to maximize our potential and adapt. Willingness, or in other words, flexibility in your approach to planning will lead to immense growth over time. 

To wrap up, we are sharing a handful of our favorite quotes surrounding the concept of flexibility. If you’re anything like us, we LOVE to choose an inspiring quote or thought to kick off the New Year. If flexibility is speaking to you like it is to us, add one of these to your Fill Page as you're preparing your Golden Coil for 2023!

“Stay committed to your decisions, but stay flexible in your approach”

-Tony Robbins

“The measure of intelligence is the ability to change” 

-Albert Einstein

“What is malleable is always superior to that which is immovable.This is the principle of controlling things by going along with them, of mastery through adaptation”

-Lao Tzu

“The art of life lies in a constant readjustment to our surroundings”

-Okakura Kakuzo

“Peak performers see the ability to change as a necessity in fulfilling their missions”

-Charles A. Garfield

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