Helpful Places to Keep Your Planner

As with so many things, out of sight really does mean out of mind, and it’s just as true with your planner. If you’re wanting to create a stronger planning habit, try putting your planner front and center in your home and life. Not only does this make it easily accessible, but it’s also a great visual cue and reminder. Here are nine helpful places to keep your planner. 

On your bedside table. Before bed each night, you can unwind by looking toward the upcoming day and jotting down any goals, intentions, or plans for tomorrow. It’s also a great time to reflect on the day that’s passed. You can even use your planner as a journal.

In your bathroom or closet. It may seem strange, but the bathroom is usually the first place we head in the morning. By keeping your planner there, it’s easily accessible to start your day off with a fresh reminder of what’s in store. You can even pair planning with getting dressed to create a strong habit. 

In your kitchen. Have a stack of beautiful cookbooks on a shelf? Try adding your planner to it. This way you can grab it while you’re sipping your morning coffee or tea. Combining planning with the habit of having a morning drink also makes it more likely you’ll continue to plan regularly!

In your office. If you work from home or even if you go into an office, a great place for your planner is next to your computer. An office is a space that’s dedicated to productivity. What better place for a planner? You can also sync your paper and digital calendars easily this way, or if you’re looking to lower distractions and de-digitize your life, having hard copy lists, calendars, etc. can keep you off your phone and even more focused. 

In your craft room. If you’re a creative and you use your planner for project planning, the craft room can be a great place to keep your planner. When inspiration strikes, jot down your ideas, draw pictures, or make lists of supplies you may need. 

On your coffee table. If you spend a lot of time in your living room, well…living, then why not keep your planner right in front of you? When you sit down to binge your favorite show, your planner will be right there waiting for you. Netflix and plan, anyone? 

On your bookshelf. While this isn’t my favorite place for the planner because it can get lost among the other books, if your bookshelf is something you look at every day or reference regularly, then by all means, shelve that planner (but only temporarily)! 

In your car. Sometimes life is so busy that it may feel like we spend more time in our vehicles than we do at home. By keeping your planner in the car, you can take a few minutes of downtime in the parking lot before work or between errands to make notes and plans. This can also help ground us and bring a sense of peace even when life is hectic. 

In your bag or backpack. Just like your car, your bag is always with you on the go. So wherever you may be, whether in class, at the grocery store, or at work, you’re never without the lists, calendars, or other trackers you may need. 

Golden Coil planners are beautiful, and fit seamlessly no matter where you put them. No matter where you choose, it’s good to remember that planning doesn’t need to be long or difficult. It can fit into your life however you choose. By being intentional about where you keep your planner, it can make it even easier to implement planning into your everyday! 

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