Transitioning to Spring

“The beautiful spring came, and when nature resumes her loveliness, the human soul is apt to revive also.” -Harriet Ann Jacobs 

We have officially entered the spring season! After a long winter, our temperatures are warming and we are thrilled for brighter days ahead. If winter is our time to rest, spring is our season to awaken to new possibilities. We emerge with renewed energy and vitality. As nature wakes up, we’re sharing our favorite ways to brighten our days as we welcome the new season in. 

Bring in the Blooms 

Flowers are sprouting, the trees are bursting into bloom. Gather flowering branches and blooms and bring them indoors. Even a grocery store bunch of tulips will brighten your space! Trim flowers down to form small bouquets and fill water glasses or teacups with your blooms and sprinkle throughout the house. May Day flower cones are a simple project to make and deliver to neighbors and friends on May 1st. 

Planner Refresh 

If you’ve fallen out of routine with your Golden Coil planner, refresh your tools and commit to a daily rhythm of writing in your planner. A new pen, highlighter, and scheduled daily writing time will breathe new life into your routine and keep you organized this spring. 

Spring Cleaning 

Set aside some time this month to tackle some spring cleaning. Open the windows, gather your cleaning supplies, turn on a fun playlist and move room by room through the house. Our favorite approach? 

  1. Declutter

Set up boxes for donation or resell. As you go room by room, pull any items you aren’t using anymore. 

  1. Dust

Using microfiber cloths and a vacuum, dust surfaces thoroughly, top to bottom.

  1. Clean and Polish

Once you’ve removed the dust, use a good quality all-purpose cleaner to clean and polish surfaces. Don’t forget neglected areas like baseboards, windows, light switches, remote controls, and kitchen appliances.  

Wardrobe Reset 

Winter clothes you meant to wear and never did? Consider paring down and donating. With your warmer weather clothes pulled, go through your items and pare down to the favorite items you love to wear that make you feel good. Think about items that mix and match and layer well. Less is more! Simplifying your wardrobe and clearing the clutter will make getting dressed a breeze this spring.  

Lighten Up 

Spring is a great time to put away heavier blankets, duvets, sweaters, and bulky fabrics. Consider refreshing your bedroom with some lighter bedding and blankets. Fast drying, lightweight Turkish towels are a great option for your bathroom too. A retractable outdoor clothesline is a wonderful addition for sun dried linens. 

Spring Greens 

Markets will be overflowing with green this spring. Fill your cart with seasonal vegetables like beets, asparagus, artichokes, escarole, peas, sprouts, watercress, and spinach. Early spring is also a great time to finalize your garden plans for the season. Check out our post for planning a stress-free garden

Revisit Goals 

When the new year began, what hopes and goals did you have for the year ahead? As we approach the quarter mark of the year, assess your goals and consider the routines you’d like to follow this spring. Maybe you’d like to train for a 5K or plan a weekend away. Utilize your Month at a Glance layout to plan your spring events. Your daily planning and habit tracker sections will help you track your progress in meeting your goals. 

What about you? How will you be welcoming spring this year? 

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