Getting to Know Our Team: Katelyn Kimber

Today, we are thrilled to introduce Katelyn Kimber, our newest Customer Service Representative. She is the face behind many of your emails to, and has likely helped you with orders, troubleshooting, and planner questions over the last year if you’ve messaged in! This beauty is one of the hardest working and most disciplined girls we know. Katelyn learns quickly and is an excellent problem-solver. She is such a team player - always willing to jump in and lend a helping hand. She is positive, kind, and organized. We are so grateful for the value she has added to our team!

To learn more about Katelyn and how she uses her Golden Coil planner, check out our recent interview!

Tell us about yourself!

Hi! My name is Katelyn! I was born and raised in Bountiful, UT and lived in Utah until just last year when my family relocated to Boston, MA for my husband’s medical training. We are loving getting to know our new city with our two children. I have a little boy who is 3 (almost 4) and little girl who will be 1 in March. Outside of my passion for organization, I love all things fitness! I received both my Bachelor’s Degree and Master’s degree in Exercise Science. I spent a few years teaching PE in elementary and high school, and did one year at the University level in St. George Utah. I was also a personal trainer and group fitness instructor for almost 10 years!

What do you enjoy doing in your free time?

In my free time I love hanging out with my family! We love going on little adventures to explore our new city and traveling whenever we can  As mentioned above, I also love being active. A good run, gym session, or walk with my kiddos gives me life! I love listening to audio books, and my guilty pleasure is a little reality TV every once in awhile.

What do you love most about using a paper planner?

I love how intentional paper planners are. Sitting down, opening it up, getting a pen and mapping out my weeks/months. I love the physical act of checking off my to do lists and the feeling of accomplishment it provides me! I have been obsessed with paper planners and a good pen since – well forever I think! I can remember writing in my Lisa Frank planner with my gel pens in the bathroom at recess in 2nd grade! I’ve always loved how organized it makes me feel!

What is your favorite Golden Coil layout?

I am currently using the “Horizontal Half 2” layout in our “Weekly Single Page” section. What sold me on this layout is how may spaces it has for “To do’s”. I live for my “To do” lists! I also use the “Next Week” portion of this layout to map out my meals for the week instead of what is to come the following week. That’s something so awesome about the Golden Coil layouts – you can make them your own!

What is your most frequently used +Page?

My most frequently used +Page is our “Home Care” page under our “Lifestyle” tab. It helps me stay on top of making sure my home is a peaceful place to be. Although, I am not perfect at this task (2 small children make this difficult!) it helps me have a good direction of when and what needs to get done daily/weekly, etc.

What is your current mantra/life advice?

Right now, I am really trying to focus on being present in the now, and not worrying so much about what the future may hold. This past year has been a really big one for our family with welcoming another baby, moving across the country away from family, and a lot of big career decisions for my husband. It is easy to worry about what is to come, but embracing the present is a great way to enjoy life as it comes and working hard now, is a great way to set you up for a successful future. I really like this quote by Kemi Sogunie, “Life isn't static but dynamic. Learn to embrace whatever situation you may face and strive to overcome. Believe in yourself, knowing your best is yet to come.”

What are you looking forward to?

I am currently looking forward to summer with my kiddos! I love going to parks and splash pads every day and being outside. We live very close to a small boardwalk/marina and its our favorite place to walk to in the evenings! We are hoping to be able to travel home to Utah as well to spend some time with our families! Summer is just the best!

Another huge THANK YOU to Katelyn! This team wouldn’t be the same without you!

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