Creating Meaningful Rituals

We all have habits or things we do regularly, sometimes without even thinking. However, if we were to stop and evaluate those habits, would we find that they add meaning and joy to our lives or are they actually detracting from our goals, desires, and vision for ourselves or our families?

By mindfully choosing a habit, it can actually become a ritual that uplifts and infuses life with more meaning. Rituals can take the form of daily, weekly or monthly practices, traditions, or habits, but what makes it a ritual is making it a conscious choice, then seeing it through.

So next time you’re considering a tradition or ritual, try asking yourself, “Is this bringing me or my family joy? Is it in line with my or my family’s values?” Then go from there! Here are some ideas that perhaps you can incorporate the next time you’re considering adding a new ritual to your life or home. 


-Get ready for the day


-Write down things you’re grateful for

-Set aside time to read or listen to a podcast

-Take a relaxing bath or shower

-Light a candle while cleaning up at the end of the evening

-Get your nails done, a facial, or some other self-care treatment regularly

-Try a sheet mask or other relaxing beauty regimen

-Move your body in a way that brings joy - Dance, lift, walk/run, etc.

-Monthly girls’ night out or visit with friends

-Set aside time to serve others

-Prayer or meditation 

-Crafting/creating (paint, bake, doodle, write, crochet, etc.)

-Yearly girl’s trip with friends, sisters, etc. 

-Plan for the day, week, or month ahead

-Get a drink and go on a solo drive in the evening to listen to music or an audiobook

-Watch a favorite show


-At dinner, talk about your highs and lows for the day

-Friday movie night

-Make a treat and play a game once a week

-Have a “late night” with each child once a month to have one-on-one time with them. Play a game, chat, have a snack. Rotate between all children so everyone has an opportunity.

-Kids choose and cook dinner once a month

-Monthly family councils

-Weekly or monthly service for neighbors

-Special breakfast on Saturdays

-Family talent show or challenges: baking/decorating, handstands, storytelling, etc.

-Check kids out of school for lunch on their birthdays or just for fun

-Saturday chores - Let kids choose music for a cleaning playlist that you blast while getting jobs done

-Sunday ride or walk 

-Family prayer/meditation

-Move your bodies together- Dance, jump, yoga, bike rides, etc.

-Monthly craft night or special crafts for holidays

-Weekly or monthly playdate

-Visit or Facetime dates with grandparents or extended family

-Nightime ritual- Special song, kisses, hugs, handshakes, you decide!

-Read out loud before bed

-Cuddle before bed

Hopefully some of these speak to you, but if not, you can create your own meaningful rituals. The important part is that you get to choose! 

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