6 Tips to Improve Your Focus

Experts tell us most people give up on their new year’s resolutions a few weeks into January. Often we pressure ourselves to make big changes quickly and when we do not see immediate results or rewards for our efforts, we give up the goals we seek and move on. Whether or not you make resolutions, today we’re sharing some tips for improving your focus and attention as you work toward your goals this year. 

Top Three 

We like to make lists. Of course we do, we’re planner people! Lists can help us empty our minds of all the to-dos we’re trying to work through. But even our lists can get long and unmanageable at times.  The next time you sit down and plan your week, try writing down your top three goals of the day or week. What are the three most important things you need to accomplish? Keep a pad of sticky notes wherever you start your day, perhaps on your nightstand or by the coffeemaker. Jot down your top three tasks for the day. Add your note to the sticky note section of your planner. Paring down your list to what is most important will give you a chance to successfully cross important items off your list.  

Productive Hours 

What time of day are you most productive? Maybe you’re an early bird and like to get things done before the rest of the house wakes up. Maybe you work best in the evenings. Late mornings might be your sweet spot. Protect the window of time that is best for you. For many freelancers and women working from home, setting strict work hours each week can be key in protecting uninterrupted work time. Write down your ideal schedule, hour to hour, and try to carry it out for a few days and see what’s working and what isn’t. Adjust as needed.

Reduce Distractions 

Make sure your workspace is clear. This applies to your physical workspace and as well your computer desktop! Starting with a clean, organized workspace will quiet distractions. If you are tempted to look at your phone, consider moving it to another room while you are working. Close web browsers on your computer and shut down windows you aren’t using. Turn on some relaxing, instrumental music to help you focus. 


We hear the word mindfulness used frequently, but what does it truly mean to be mindful? The definition of mindfulness is “the quality or state of being conscious or aware of something.” When completing a task, observe yourself in the situation. What do you feel? What can you see? What are you thinking about? Tune your attention to the task at hand, letting the other thoughts of the day go, and breathe into the moment. Try it the next time you are completing a task, even a task as mundane as folding laundry or washing dishes. You may find this effort to tune into your surroundings can easily transform into a short meditation. Focusing on one task at a time can help calm our minds, slow us down, and help us tune into ourselves.  

Sleep & Meditation

Our lives move quickly and we pride ourselves in our ability to juggle it all. When we look at our day to day priorities, many of us leave sleep off the list. There is simply too much to get done each day and sleep falls by the wayside. Challenge yourself to prioritize sleep. Try for 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night. Set an alert an hour before bed to signal that it is time to wind down. Turn off screens and find a routine that helps you relax and get ready for sleep. Perhaps it’s taking a hot shower or making a cup of tea. Sleep is magic for our overworked bodies. When we are well-rested we can tackle our to-dos with more clarity and calm. Likewise, developing a daily meditation practice will give your brain a chance to work the focus/concentration muscle. There are many guided apps to help you get started. Try starting your day with 2-5 minutes of quiet sitting. You can close your eyes, breathe, and repeat a simple mantra to yourself. Here’s a simple one to try: 

May I be safe. 

May I be happy. 

May I be healthy. 

May I live with ease. 

A simple daily practice such as this can benefit all parts of our lives and the mindset we bring to the challenges we face.

Clean Slate 

We don’t need a new year or a new month or even a new week to have a clean slate. You can start again with a clean slate no matter what time of day. If you feel yourself getting off track, take a pause. Stand and stretch. Get a breath of fresh air with a brisk walk. Drink a glass of water and begin again. 

We want to hear from you! What helps you maintain your focus? Leave us your tips in the comments below.

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