How to Stay Consistent With Your Planner

So you’ve unboxed your beautiful, new planner. Perhaps you’ve started using it in earnest, but after a while you’ve gotten out of the practice of planning, and some weeks are completely blank. First off, we want to say that’s okay! Each new turn of the Golden Coil planner page is a new opportunity. So whether it’s been a week or months, or even years, you can start again. Here are some tips on how to stay consistent going forward!

Create an Enjoyable Routine

Planning should relieve stress, not add to it, so find a time in the day that works for you to do your planning session. Is it early in the morning before everyone else is awake? Is it at night? In the book Atomic Habits by James Clear, he suggests creating a “motivation ritual” as a way to increase your desire to form a good habit. By doing something enjoyable either before or during a habit, you create positive associations with completing it. Whatever time you choose, include something in your planning session that you enjoy. Bring along those favorite chocolates, or a cup of calming tea or coffee, or even throw on your favorite show. Planning can and should be fun!

Planner Placement

Keep your planner out and visible. Whether that’s by your computer, your bedside table, or on your kitchen counter, having your planner visible will not only remind you to use it, but also makes it easily accessible when you get an idea and need to jot it down or need to add in an event or appointment.

Set a Reminder

Though we’re a bit biased and love a paper planner, combining digital tools with paper planning is a winning combination! Using your phone’s calendar or Reminders app, set a notification for when it’s time to plan. If having the planner out as a visual cue still isn’t doing the trick, this might just be the extra nudge you need.

Planner People Unite!

If you haven’t already, join Golden Coil Insiders on Facebook, follow along on Instagram or find other planning accounts to love. Surrounding yourself with a community of people who are also organizing, planning, and sharing ideas can be both motivating and inspiring.


If planning out an entire week, or even an entire day is too time-intensive or too overwhelming, then just focus on what will be most helpful for you at this time in your life. Jot down a few to-do’s, write in a few priorities for the week, or keep track of a few habits you’re working on. The planner is customizable to you and your lifestyle, so take what is beneficial and don’t worry about the rest. Those calendars, meal plans, and budgeting pages will still be there when you’re ready for them.

No matter where you’re at with your planning journey, it’s never too late to start again!

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