Streamline Your Cleaning Routine

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As the fall season approaches, we are getting back to and finding new routines. Everyone wants a tidy house, but most of us don’t have the time or desire to clean all the time. As you build your fall routine, we’re sharing some of our favorite cleaning tips to help free up more time in your schedule, spend less time cleaning, and keep a tidier home. 

Make Your Bed 

Making your bed only takes a minute and will instantly make your bedroom feel tidier. This is an easy task to make a daily habit every morning. And your bed will be all the more inviting to crawl into at the end of the day. 

Empty Your Sink  

Try to empty your sink of dirty dishes before you go to bed. Hand wash items and allow them to dry overnight. If you have a dishwasher, load and run it. In the morning, empty the dishwasher and put all clean dishes away. You will start your day with a tidy kitchen. 

Declutter a Flat Surface 

Clearing clutter will help keep your house tidy. Tables and countertops can fill quickly with daily items. Make it a goal to clear a table, dresser, or countertop at the end of the day. 

Put it Away Right Away 

Instead of piling something to put away later, when you pick up an item, return it to its home right away. This will only take a few minutes and will reduce clutter build up.

Open the Windows 

Consider opening the windows throughout the house in the morning and evening for at least 10 minutes. The fresh air will help clear your space and improve air quality. 

Short and Sweet 

Time is precious and most of us won’t have hours to dedicate to cleaning the house top to bottom. Set a timer for 15-30 minutes and choose a few priority areas to tackle. When you’re done, relax and do something that brings you joy. 

Assemble a Cleaning Caddy 

Put together a simple cleaning container that you can easily carry from room to room. Whether you make your own cleaning products or purchase your favorites, having everything in one place will make cleaning more streamlined. 

Here’s what we include in our cleaning caddy: 

  • All-purpose cleaner 

  • Glass cleaner 

  • Bathroom cleaner

  • Microfiber cloths

  • Biodegradable sponge/cloth

  • Dusting brush 

  • Small cleaning brush 

  • Fabric freshening spray 

Baskets for Clutter Spots 

Identify the clutter spots in your home and rethink your storage needs in that space. Maybe the area around your front or back door clutters. Perhaps your staircase piles with items to take upstairs. Consider adding storage to give everything a home and keep things from piling on the floor. For staircase clutter, designate a basket that lives on the stairs and collects items throughout the day. Carry it up and empty at the end of the day. 

Keep a Box Handy for Donations 

As you are cleaning and decluttering, place items you don’t need in a donation box. If a clothing item no longer fits, your child has outgrown a toy, or household items are no longer needed, separate them and move to the donation box. When the box is full, sort for resale and donation. 

Make it Fun 

If you dread cleaning, make it fun! Queue up some episodes of a favorite podcast or put on a fun playlist. Make a special drink and light a candle to make the process more enjoyable. 

Utilize Your Planner 

Stay organized with the Home Care pages in your journal. Use the checklists to jot down task lists for each room, keep track of homemade cleaner recipes, and cleaning tips. 

Find What Works Best For You 

There is no one approach to keeping your home tidy. It might work best for you to do a little cleaning each day. Maybe it’s easier to tackle on the weekends for a longer stretch. Whatever your route, consistency is key. Find a routine that you can stick with! 

We want to hear from you! What are your favorite cleaning tips? 

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