Learning How to Live with Less: What to Read, Watch, and Listen To

We’ve all heard the saying “less is more.” 

Minimalism, intentionally living with only the things you absolutely need, has made “less is more” a lifestyle. Many of us can appreciate the sentiment. We know there are any number of things we could get rid of, but actually integrating a less-is-more mentality into daily life can feel like an insurmountable, if not emotional, pursuit. You can’t get rid of that lamp! There’s no place to put it, but you just bought it! (You had to! It was on sale!) And no, you can’t clear out those boxes in the garage. You might need something from one of them someday! Whether you’re downsizing or decluttering, differentiating between want and need can be an exacting endeavor. 

Living with less can look many different ways. Here is a collection of books, shows, and podcasts from 5 women with their own distinct versions of decluttering, home organization, and living with less. 

Marie Kondo

Marie Kondo catapulted the idea of minimalism into the modern mainstream. Using her principles of KonMari, she encourages declutterers to rid their lives of the things that no longer spark joy. At the core of Kondo’s model is a reminder that tidying is a marathon, not a sprint. She also pinpoints tidiness as setting the stage for transformation.

Ready to give everything in your house a home?

What to Read: The Life-changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing (Clarkson Potter/Ten Speed, 2010) - available in hardcover, paperback, and audiobook

What to Watch: Tidying Up with Marie Kondo: The original guide to decluttering your home once and for all (Netflix, 2019) and Sparking Joy (Netflix, 2020)

Christine Platt

Lawyer by trade, writer by passion, and minimalist by intention, Christine Platt, otherwise known as the Afrominimalist, focuses on minimalism beyond the aesthetic and channels the mantra “less is liberation.” Using minimalism to both confront and engage her personal history and heritage, Platt centers the African Diaspora in her life of less.

Over austerity?

What to Read: The Afrominimalist’s Guide to Living with Less (Tiller Press, 2021) - available in hardcover and audiobook

What to Listen to: The Stacks Pod, Episode 173 - Living with Less with Christine Platt

Clea Shearer and Joanna Teplin

Known for organizing with rows of rainbow, Clea Shearer and Joanna Teplin, are all about categorizing and containing clutter. 

On the road to ROYGBIV?

What to Watch: Get Organized with the Home Edit (Netflix, 2020)

What to Listen to: [The] Young House Love Podcast, Episode 60 - Game-Changing Organizing Tips from the Pros

Miranda Anderson

Miranda and her family set a challenge for themselves: What would happen if they spent a year only spending money on things they could consume? Her book and podcast allow you to follow along on their journey and figure out how and when you know enough is enough.

Ready to use space for the things that matter to you?

What to Read: More Than Enough: How One Family Cultivated A More Abundant Life Through A Year Of Practical Minimalism (2019)

What to Listen to: Live Free Creative Co. podcast

Have any tips for starting on a journey of living with less? Let us know in the comments!

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