Generating Peace in Your Day-To-Day

In the fast-paced world we live in, it seems like there is never time to squeeze in all of the many responsibilities, tasks, and activities that we aim to accomplish. We rush from appointment to appointment, duty to duty, notification to notification - like chaotic music playing at high speed on repeat. It often feels like a rarity to experience complete stillness, let alone peace - tranquility and joy within stillness.

So today, in honor of the International Day of Peace, September 21st, we’d like to discuss some ideas for generating peace in your day-to-day life. Generating peace can be absolutely transformative to the space within your mind and body, and it doesn’t stop there. Finding ways to become a more peaceful person goes far beyond ourselves; becoming a peace-exuding person positively impacts our entire sphere of influence, and by effect, a little sliver of the world at large.

Slow Down

Slow Down. Easy to say, but often difficult to do. Trust us, the yield is worth the effort it takes! Slowing down, for you, might look like saying “no” more often to requests or demands on your time. Streamline your life to prioritize the things you truly value. Slowing down might look like swapping out neutral or negative entertainment/media for quality time with yourself or a loved one. Slowing down might look like mindfully enjoying the natural views and sounds around you as you walk, drive, or transition from activity to activity. It might be looking up to smile and make eye contact with those you pass by or interact with.

Cultivate Compassion & Kindness

One impactful way to bridge any gaps of contention between ourselves and others, is to create a greater level of understanding. By compassionately putting ourselves in others’ shoes, and truly trying to see from a new lens, we melt walls of pride, misunderstanding, and judgement within ourselves - sometimes walls that we didn’t realize even existed. Speaking kind words and creating intentional acts of kindness benefit both the giver and the receiver. Find ways to give unselfishly, and watch serenity and happiness return to you tenfold. 

Spark Hope

Become a person of light! As you practice hopeful thinking, this will lead to hopeful speaking, hopeful actions, and a forward-focused life of optimism. Learning to deliberately guide our own thought patterns is a skill that takes practice and intentionality, but is well worth every effort. Combat negative or fearful thoughts by writing down, visualizing, and/or speaking their antithesis. What you mentally magnify becomes bigger, so carefully choose a hopeful focus. As we incrementally increase our abilities to spark hope, the peace and happiness created will naturally begin to pour out on all those around us. 

We hope these ideas on generating greater peace in your day-to-day life have been enlightening and impactful for you. 

Happy International Day of Peace!

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