Plan Ahead for an Easy Backyard Gathering


As the world begins opening back up this summer, we’ve been looking forward to the opportunity to gather with friends and family. Gathering together means even more after the challenging year we’ve all had. It’s been a minute since we’ve hosted so we thought we’d pull together some of our favorite entertaining tips to help make your next backyard gathering a breeze. 


After you hit send on the invites, start thinking about what you want to cook. Make ahead dishes are a great place to start. Once you’ve collected your recipes, take a little time to read through each one and make a list of tasks that can be done ahead of time. Sauces, dips, vinaigrettes, and many side dishes can be made in advance. A day or two before your gathering, pull any dishes or serving items you’ll need. You can even use a sticky note to label your dishes. Finally, make a list of last minute tasks that will need to be completed just before your guests arrive.

  • Make a list of tasks you can prep ahead of time

  • Pull dishes and serving ware you will need

  • Make a last minute task list


Before your guests arrive, set the mood for your gathering. Make sure the table is set. This is a fun time to pull out a tablecloth. We like a relaxed linen tablecloth and napkins. Ice down drinks and light some candles. Take a last look around. Will everyone have a spot to rest a drink or plate? Make sure you have plenty of seats, even if it means throwing a few cushions on the floor. Put on a fun playlist and relax!

  • Set table, ice down drinks

  • Light candles, put a playlist on

  • Do a final check to make sure guests will be comfortable


Welcome your guests! Offer a drink. Something bubbly is fun and sets the tone for a celebratory evening. This is a good time to graze on snacks with guests and tackle your last minute tasks. Did you forget snacks? Pro-tip! A large bowl of potato chips will always get eaten. As you finish your last minute kitchen tasks, get your guests involved. It’s nice to include everyone. Your guests will love the chance to help and it keeps the evening relaxed. 

  • Welcome friends, offer a drink

  • Enjoy some snacks (pssst..potato chips)

  • Involve your guests in the kitchen


You’ve done the hard work! Enjoy your dinner. Turn the music up, refill drinks, and savor the evening. This is the magic of the night. Pause and really savor these times. Being together is what it’s all about. When it’s time for dessert, keep things easy! If you didn’t have time to make a dessert, a variety of ice cream flavors is easy or a simple bowl of sliced fresh fruit and some ginger cookies or a nice chocolate bar. 

  • Enjoy the evening

  • Refill drinks

  • Serve a simple dessert 

Enjoy entertaining this summer. Keep things easy on yourself by thinking ahead. Taking care and being thoughtful doesn’t mean anything has to be fussy or fancy. Your guests will appreciate your efforts! Cheers! 

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