Jumpstart your creativity: The power of list-making

As a planner person, I’m no stranger to lists: grocery lists, to-do lists, reading lists, idea lists, gift lists, guest lists, and yes, even lists of lists. I’ve got lists in the margins of my notebooks, saved in my phone, and scrawled on the backs of stray receipts. Lists keep me grounded and hold me accountable. They help alleviate the cognitive load by getting things out of my brain and onto paper. Plus, who can deny the silent satisfaction that comes with checking something off of a task list? Ultimately, lists are mechanisms to free up brain space, a central mechanism to spurring creativity. 

Whenever I’m in a creative rut, I turn to lists. They’re low stakes, judgement-free, and give me a little mental freedom when I’m overthinking and feeling stuck. If you ever need help getting back in the zone, try making a list. Here’s a couple dozen prompts (a list of lists!) to help jumpstart your creativity and discover new ideas.


  • Think about your dream day. Write a play-by-play of how the day unfolds. 

  • What are your favorite pieces of trivia?

  • What makes you happy?

  • If you had all the time and money in the world, what would you create?

  • What inspires you?

  • What’s on your bucket list?

  • What are your superpowers?

  • What are the last books you’ve read?

  • Name all of things you love about your favorite season?No Novels Needed


  • Choose a room in your childhood home. Name all of the things you can remember.

  • What are your favorite books and movies from childhood?

  • Who were your childhood heroes?

  • What are the pets you’ve had or wish you did?

  • What were your favorite toys?

  • Write 10 affirmations for your younger self. 

  • Think back to your childhood bedroom. What are the things you hear at night?


  • What’s in your fridge?

  • What are the best things you’ve ever eaten?

  • Write a grocery list for your dream dinner party?

  • Choose a fruit or vegetable. Name all of the places it travels in its life. 

  • What are the wildest pizza or sundae toppings you can think of?

  • What are your favorite food memories?

  • List all the birthday cakes you can remember eating.

  • How many ways can you cook eggs?


  • Look around. What are 20 things you see, smell, and hear?

  • What are your most memorable vacations?

  • What are the places you want to visit?

  • What are the cars you’ve owned?

More books about lists:

  • List of note: An Eclectic Collection Deserving of a Wider Audience by Shaun Usher

  • L’art de la Liste: Simplify, Organize and Enrich Your Life by Dominique Loreau

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