Best Pages for Students

Golden Coil Customizable Planner College Student

College can be stressful and being able to organize and plan in a way that works best for you makes a world of difference. We believe your planner should be customizable to fit your needs for organization and preparation in order to be successful! This is why we’ve designed some of our +pages with students in mind! Here are a few of our favorite +pages for students and how to use them:

Golden Coil Customizable Planner Assignments Page

Our Assignments page was specially designed for students! We love how this page allows you to organize and prioritize all of the school work on your plate. The left page gives you a place to list your priorities, a nice to-do list, and blocks of the week days where you can write out your schedule or important due dates. Use the right page to track specific assignments and preview the upcoming week!

Golden Coil Customizable Planner College Student Month at a Glance

One of our newest pages, Month at a Glance, is incredibly helpful for giving yourself a preview of the assignment due dates, test dates, and other large projects you need to see in a snapshot. You can use the fillable lists on the right page to keep track of to-do items or write out lists of upcoming assignments for different classes.

Golden Coil Customizable Planner College Student Project Storyboard page

Another one of our newest pages, Story Board 3, is a great way to plan out projects for class. The square on the left is a great way to sketch out a thumbnail and the lines on the right give you plenty of room for detailed plans.

Golden Coil Customizable Planner College Student Groceries and Meals

You have to remember to feed yourself no matter how busy you are at college! We love the Groceries and Meals page for writing out your grocery list and meal planning. There’s even a space to track the cost of your meals so you can stay within your budget!

Golden Coil Customizable Planner College Student Mood Tracker

Prioritizing your mental health is so important, especially when you’re busy with school. Add a Mood Tracker page to your college planner and keep tabs on how you’re feeling. This page can help you see any concerning trends that would prompt you to make some needed changes!

Golden Coil Customizable Planner

We know divvying out household chores amongst roommates can get a little tense, but clear communication makes things better! Have a group discussion with your roommates and use the Home Care page to write down all of the tasks that need to get done around the apartment. Then, color code line items to reflect which tasks have been assigned to which roommate. You can use the chore chart on the right page to keep track of your own personal chores on a weekly basis.

Golden Coil Customizable Planner College Student Goals Page

It’s easy to forget about your own personal goals when you’re busy working on projects and assignments at college. The Goals page is an excellent addition to your college planner to give yourself a space to focus on your daily, weekly, monthly and yearly goals for yourself.

Have you made a Golden Coil college planner? Which pages are your favorite to use? Share with us in the comments below!