5 Ways to Use Spreadsheets

Golden Coil Customizable Planners

Does the thought of spreadsheets take you right back to your 8th grade Microsoft Office class? As in, you haven’t really used them since then? :) Or are you an avid spreadsheet user? Either way, here are 5 ideas for using this handy +page!

Golden Coil Customizable Planners Spreadsheet Page


If you’re a teacher (or if you are suddenly much more in charge of your kids’ educations that you had planned) spreadsheet pages are invaluable in your planner! Use them to track grades on assignments and tests as well as attendance!

Golden Coil Customizable Planners Spreadsheet Page


If you’re not into a big chore chart on your kitchen wall, use your planner to keep a running list of the chores your family members need to do. You can even use cute stickers to make it more fun! :)

Golden Coil Customizable Planners Spreadsheet Page


Can’t forget one of the more traditional purposes of a spreadsheet! The great thing about Golden Coil is you can add as many spreadsheet pages as you’d like, which allows you to assign different budgets to different pages. If your budget doesn’t call for an in-depth spreadsheet, you can also check out some of our other budget and finance pages to see if those are a better fit!

Golden Coil Customizable Planner Spreadsheet Page


Serious gardeners know that planning is a major key to success! Use a spreadsheet page to make detailed notes about what you’ve planted and what progress you’ve made. In-depth notes will set you up for more success next year because you’ll be able to see what went well and what needs tweaking!

Golden Coil Customizable Planner Spreadsheet Page


Are you planning major home renovations? A spreadsheet page could be just want you need to stay on top of all the pieces. Use the left column to list specific projects within your renovation and use the top rows to track the steps of each project.

How do you like to use spreadsheet pages in your Golden Coil planner? Share with us in the comments below!