1 Layout 5 Ways: Vertical 2

It’s time to walk you through one of our most popular weekly layouts! Our Vertical 2 layout is a double-page weekly spread that’s ideal for block scheduling. It breaks each day into three sections, including the weekend, so it works well for freelancers and homeschoolers who have a loosely-structured and flexible schedule. There’s also a handy to-do list on the left page to help you keep track of your weekly tasks. If you’re not a block scheduler, you may still want to consider a few other ways you could use this layout. Let us show you!

Golden Coil Customizable Planner Vertical 2


Like we mentioned, this layout is a great fit for freelancers! Your schedule is probably fairly fluid, so it’s up to you to add some structure. In this example, we’ve divided the blocks into a morning, afternoon, and to-do list section. Within the morning and afternoon blocks, we’ve scheduled specific blocks of time to each task, which can help maximize productivity—it’s one way to help you avoid getting sucked into emails! You could also dedicate each block to morning/afternoon/evening or you could even compartmentalize different projects into each block.

Golden Coil Customizable Planner Freelancer Vertical 2


Similar to freelancing, homeschooling can work well with block scheduling. This example also breaks the day into morning, afternoon, and a to-do list with the mornings and afternoons broken into sections of time dedicated to different subjects and activities. You could also use the blocks to organize lesson outlines or write specific task lists for each child and/or yourself!

Golden Coil Weekly Layout Customizable Planner Vertical 2 Homeschooling


As a teacher, your schedule is probably pretty consistent, so block scheduling might not be your thing. But this layout provides a nice amount of space to write out lesson plans! In this example, we’ve dedicated each block to a different subject. Then, you can use the running to-do list on the side to keep track of your weekly tasks.

Golden Coil Customizable Planner Teacher Vertical 2


Depending on the age of your kids, your day is probably some mix of appointments and to-do items. A great way to use this layout would be to dedicate each block to a child, writing out their appointments and tasks that they need your help or follow-up on. You could also dedicate one of the blocks to your own schedule and to-dos. Or, if you enjoy block scheduling, see the recommendations above for freelancing and homeschooling!

Golden Coil Customizable Planner Primary Caregiver Vertical 2


Students have a lot to keep track of and this layout provides a nice amount of space to keep your schedule visible alongside all of your to-do items. In this example, we’ve broken each day into morning, afternoon, and evening. The class times are written throughout the day with the spaces between classes dedicated to checking off tasks. Use the to-do list on the side to jot down all of your tasks and then be sure to schedule them throughout your week!

Golden Coil Customizable Planners Student Vertical 2

Do you use Vertical 2? How do you customize it for your needs? Share with us in the comments below!