Resetting with Back-to-School

Golden Coil Customizable Planners Trisha and Michelle founders

We love back-to-school time here at Golden Coil! We’re all about getting organized and making plans and what better time of year to do that? We know things may look different this year and we know that many of you have had extra responsibilities put on your plate, so we sat down with our founders to chat about how we can use back-to-school time to take care of ourselves. It’s the perfect opportunity to start something new, make a change and refocus on yourself!

1. What feelings do you associate with back-to-school?

Trisha: I definitely feel nostalgic! It always makes me think of getting school pictures, or traditions like going back-to-school shopping with my mom, or that feeling of anticipation not knowing who will be in your class.

Michelle: Being a super type-A person, back-to-school is really exciting for me! My mom set a precedent where back-to-school was a time to organize ourselves and was a fresh start. We would organize and clean our rooms, we would throw out old clothes and go out and get new ones for school and get so organized. For me, it was always exciting because it felt like we were moving towards something new and I loved having the chance to get organized. I was obsessed (and still am) with shopping for school supplies.

2. How can one use back-to-school as a time to reset?

Michelle: It’s a great time to reset because it’s a complete overhaul of your schedule. You shift from a more relaxed summer schedule to a more structured school schedule. In order to successfully jump into something new and have an overhaul of your schedule, I think that it’s really important that kids feel a change and I think organizing and de-junking your life is a big factor in that. 

Trisha: It’s almost a second New Year’s because we get another chance to course-correct and change directions with our lives changing in structure so drastically. Going from a summer of unstructured time back to school where there’s a lot more structure, I love using that time to reflect and think on goals as well as things I want to accomplish the rest of the year. It’s a good halfway point through the year to really think about things I want to accomplish. A reset this year may have to be really intentional for some, since things may be different, but it’s still doable and really important!


3. What ways do you enjoy continuing your education? What are you curious about?

Trisha: I love doing online classes on platforms like Skillshare or Creative Market or from other people in the design world teaching illustration, pattern design, etc. I also spent a lot of time learning pottery a couple years back and I loved it!

Michelle: I’ve learned so much in the last 4 years working on Golden Coil. I don’t have a ton of time for books or podcasts, but I’ve learned a lot in the practical application of growing this business. Conferences have also been huge and eye-opening and engaging. I love opportunities to meet other people and learn from their experiences!

4. As a parent, what are your tips for making time for yourself? How can back-to-school be a good opportunity to refocus on yourself?

Michelle: This is a great chance for you to re-evaluate what’s working in your life and what’s not. As parents, we know we don’t take enough time for ourselves and give ourselves the energy we need to be good parents. My number one tip is to schedule time for yourself or it won’t happen! Back-to-school is a great time because you’re already re-evaluating schedules and you can make it a priority to write in time for yourself in this new schedule.

Trisha: Same, schedule it in! And ask for help! Let your spouse know you need “me” time. It can be really simple, like letting them know you need 15 min for a walk or to do your hair. Setting this pattern of communication is helpful for them as well! They can communicate their needs and you can work together to find a solution in your schedule. Our spouses have our best interests at heart, so you know they’ll be considerate when you ask for “me” time.

5. What's your advice for sticking to a new routine?

Trisha: I’ve had success with piggybacking new habits onto existing habits. So for example, say you’re already really consistent at stretching in the mornings and you want to start working out as well. All you would do is add 10 minutes of cardio right after that stretching. Find a habit or routine that you’re already consistent with and tack on that new habit! 

Michelle: Be realistic. So many times I’ve tried to go in and block-schedule my life but a couple days in, it’s just not working. I try to make too many changes at once. While I do think a lot of changes happen between summer and back-to-school, we need to be realistic in what we do. Set goals, but know your limits and be patient with yourself if things don’t work out or you need to make some adjustments. It’s okay to make those changes as you learn new information!