Getting to Know Our Team: Kelli Briggs

Golden Coil Customizable Planner Kelli Briggs

We’re so excited to continue our series of interviews with members of the Golden Coil team! Up next is Kelli Briggs, our incredibly organized and multi-talented customer service representative. Kelli is a thoughtful problem-solver through and through and we can’t think of a better fit for our customers’ needs. We hope you enjoy getting to know her!

1. Tell us about yourself!

“My name is Kelli! I was born and raised in Bountiful, Utah, which is where my husband and I currently reside. We have 2 little girls, ages 3 and 1. In addition to helping Golden Coil with their customer service emails, I currently teach several local ballet and pointe classes each week. I have danced my whole life through childhood, high school and college. In fact, this is how I met Michelle, one of Golden Coil’s founders! We danced together at University and were great friends. Side story - I will never forget one of the first times I met Michelle. On the first day of company class, as we went around the circle in the dance studio introducing ourselves, Michelle in her bright, cheery voice said, “Hi! I’m Michelle, and I love planners! Some day I’m going to start a planner company!” I knew right away that we would get along really well! She and I jive on many levels! I am so grateful that Michelle and I have had the opportunity to reconnect through Golden Coil!”

2. What do you enjoy doing in your free time?

“In our free time, my husband and I love to take our girls hiking up in the beautiful Utah mountains! We also love date nights to our favorite Salt Lake City restaurant, Settebello Pizzeria. I personally love a good gym session and exploring new healthy recipes!”

3. What do you love most about using a paper planner?

“I have been a devoted daily/weekly planner for years, and Golden Coil has enhanced my planning experience tenfold. Now, I cannot live without my paper planner! I very much look forward to my Sunday night planning session each week. I personally use the “Sections 2” layout in the “Weekly - Single Page” section. I absolutely LOVE that everything I need to write down each week is now consolidated on one neat, clean, beautiful page. (This used to look like: a white board in my bedroom with my goal tracking and exercise plans, meal planning on my refrigerator, a to do list scribbled on scrap paper, and my appointment/work schedule in my phone calendar - YIKES). Physically writing things down is not only enjoyable and therapeutic, but it better prepares me to attack my week. As a visual learner, I like to keep my planner open on my kitchen counter, where I will walk by regularly. It reminds me of the goals I am shooting for, the tasks I need to get done, and what I have coming up for the rest of the week.”

Golden Coil Customizable Planners Kelli Briggs

4. What is your current mantra/life advice?

“My current mantra/inspiration is this beautiful quote by Melody Beattie: “Gratitude turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos into order, confusion into clarity. It makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.” My Golden Coil notebook contains “Month At A Glance” as a space for my daily gratitude journal! This is also a place where I write thoughts, questions, and insights from my scripture study. Recognizing the good that God has brought into my daily life has been absolutely transformative. Whatever your spiritual beliefs, I strongly believe in the power of reflecting daily on the things you are grateful for!”

5. What are you looking forward to?

“I am looking forward to many things in the year to come! I look forward to seeing my 1 year old continue to say new words! I look forward to helping my 3 year old begin to sound out letters and learn to read. I look forward to buying a home for my family! I look forward to teaching ballet without a mask on! Maybe most of all, I look forward to welcoming baby number 3 to our family in September! A huge thank you to Michelle and Trisha for inviting me to join the Golden Coil team this last year! It has been such a privilege to work with these amazing (!!) ladies and to help serve their wonderful customers!”

We love Kelli and are so grateful for all she adds to the Golden Coil team!