An Intentional New Year

Golden Coil Customizable Planners Intentional New Year

We’ve been reflecting a lot on the lessons we’ve learned in 2020 and one of the most helpful has been to control what we can control. Easier said than done, of course, but as we’ve tried to let go of the feelings of frustration or helplessness from situations outside our control this year, we’ve been able to put energy into more productive activities. Doing so helped us to feel less like things were happening to us and more like we had control over something. We believe that’s at the heart of being intentional! Here are 4 simple lessons we’re taking with us into 2021 to help us have a more intentional new year:

TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF - We realized pretty quickly this past year that our ability to feel in-control of life was closely tied to how well we were taking care of ourselves. And it’s understandable that when we feel like we’re fighting a lot of fires, our needs get pushed down the priority list. But taking care of ourselves very much influences our ability to help others and accomplish our goals. Be sure to prioritize your physical and mental health this year! Make the doctor appointments you’ve been waiting on, set clear boundaries, and make time to meditate and journal so you can work through difficult feelings. You can easily track your mood with our Mood Tracker +page to help yourself spot patterns or concerns.

SET ACHIEVABLE GOALS - Last year definitely tested our ability to adapt our goals, but it was a valuable lesson for us. We found that the goals we achieved had one thing in common: they were flexible and realistic! When obstacles arose, we re-evaluated and adapted our goals as necessary. And it also helped us to break down our goals into bite-sized tasks—we love how our Goals +page helps do just that. Slow and steady = progress!

MAKE TIME FOR PRIORITIES - Being clear about our priorities has really helped us focus on what matters most, especially as this year has gotten busier and has thrown unexpected demands at us. Yes, we’ve had to adapt, but we’ve done our best to still make time for our families and personal projects, even if that’s meant getting creative about how we fit it in! We’ve found that prioritizing what matters most has refreshed us, filled us, and given us the stamina to continue fulfilling other obligations, especially in a difficult time.

FOCUS OUTWARDS - One thing we found helped us feel more in-control of life last year was to help others. It’s a beautiful way to take the focus off your own struggles while you work to alleviate the difficulties of friends, neighbors, and community members. There aren’t rules for focusing outwards, so do what you can! Maybe that means picking up groceries for your neighbor, organizing a fundraiser for a local family in need, or volunteering to watch your friend’s kids while they take a much-needed break. Get creative and enjoy the peace of helping someone!

It’s been a difficult year and we know 2021 won’t magically change things, but we’re feeling a lot of optimism knowing we can focus on the things in our control and make intentional choices about the things we work on this year. How are you creating an intentional new year for yourself in 2021? Share with us in the comments!