Getting the Most Out of Your 2020 Planner

Reviewing your previous Golden Coil Customizable Planner so you can order your 2020 planner

Our Black Friday sale is approaching quickly and we want to help you prepare to customize and order your 2020 planner! One of the best bits of advice we can give you is to sit down with your previous planner and analyze how you’ve used it. If you’ve got a lot of empty space, it’s a sign you’re not getting the most out of your planner. Here are a few things to ask yourself in order to get the most out of your 2020 planner:

1. Which pages do you use the most? Do you need to add more of that type of page?

2. Which pages do you use the least? Would you use this page more if your chose a different layout?

3. Are your weekly layout pages extremely full? Would adding a +page to each week help give you more room to plan?

4. Are your weekly layout pages a bit empty? Is your current layout the wrong fit for your lifestyle? Would a single-page weekly layout work better?

5. Were there any pages you didn’t use at all? Which ones? Why?

Our goal is to always make life easier for you and to help you get things done. We hope this list of questions helps you build a planner that works even better for you this next year!