Creating Household Systems to Help You Stay on Top of Life

A women named Megan Francis once said “Cleaning and organizing is a practice, not a project”. We absolutely loved this quote and felt it was the perfect introduction to today’s post! Today we are talking all about getting household systems in place to keep “big project cleaning” at a minimum and taking little steps everyday to help ensure your home feels exactly how you want it to. 

The first step to getting your household systems in place is to sit down and write out all of your priorities with your home. Things like having a clean kitchen before bed, laundry being folded immediately out of the dryer, dishwasher ran daily, vacuuming and mopping weekly, etc. This will help you then create your systems. 

We are going to focus on 4 systems in this post - daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly. The first thing you will jot down is your daily priorities. Some of ours are: clean kitchen before bed, dishwasher ran at night, and bed made every day. Come up with maybe 4-5 of your own and set times that you intend to complete these tasks. The first few weeks it may be helpful to set alarms on your watch or phone to help remind you of these tasks if you are out of practice. 

Next you will focus on your weekly tasks you want to achieve and list them out. Some good examples are: laundry from start to finish, bathroom tidy, vacuum/mop floors, and any yard maintenance you may need to do. Again, just think of 4-5 initially because this is something you want to be able to accomplish right away. Listing out 10+ things you want to get done in your house every week can get overwhelming right away 

Following our weekly tasks, you want to write out your monthly tasks. This can include dusting certain areas of your home, deep cleaning bathrooms, pantry organization, or touching on any portion of your home that seems to clutter quickly (for me, it’s my pantry!).

Finally, you will write out any quarterly tasks you want or need to get done. This can be car maintenance, changing your air filters, dusting baseboards or blinds, decluttering rooms/closets, and more. These are some of our harder ones to remember to do because its not something that is on our mind daily or even weekly. To help us remember we can add alerts in our phones, or we can do what we do best and utilize our Golden Coils! We absolutely love our Home Care +page for documenting some of these tasks and helping us stay on track. This is a great layout for your monthly or quarterly tasks. Any easy way to remember to check back in on this page at the right time is to set reminders throughout your planners each month or every 3 to make sure you are staying on top of things. 

After all your priorities are laid out in front of you, you are then going to schedule them into your life. Schedule out what times of day you want to complete your daily tasks, what days of the week you want to do your weekly tasks, how you are going to schedule your monthly tasks and set reminders for those quarterly to-dos. Below is a quick example of ways you could use your Golden Coil for these things!

Let us know what you think and if you have any helpful hacks to share with the rest of our Golden Coil community!

Happy Planning!