The Catch-All Springtime To-Do List

April is already here and it is finally starting to feel like Spring! It’s the perfect time for airing out the

goals we set a few short months ago, refreshing our homes, and gearing up for the warmer


Having a clear idea of what you want to accomplish can help you get the most out of the season,

and the Golden Coil team is here to help! We love a good spring refresh and want to share the

joy. Check out the lists below and see what speaks to you! As you read, consider incorporating

those items into your own spring-time to-do list in your Golden Coil planner. The “Reminders”,

“Brain Dump”, and “To-Do” +pages are a few great places to record your personalized list. So,

let’s get to it!


Who doesn’t love cleaning out those closets that got packed during the holidays? Let’s help

usher spring in by freshening up the place!

• Clean your home room by room

• Deep clean bathrooms

• Dust hard to reach places (under couches, behind appliances, inside cupboards)

• Wash window tracks

• Wipe down blinds

• Sort toys, clothes, closets, cupboards, storage

• Donate unused or unwanted items

• Throw away broken or worn out items

• Re-organize what you choose to keep

• Clean and re-organize your pantry

• Deep clean kitchen appliances, like your fridge and oven

• Declutter

• Rearrange your decor

• Bring in some greenery


Cleaning up your outdoor space is a wonderful way to prep for summer fun. Here are a few ideas

to get you started...

• Throw away trash

• Get rid of old leaves

• Clear out your carport or garage

• Reorganize your outdoor storage

• Clean off patio

• Spray concrete with weed killer

• Throw away broken equipment or furniture

• Donate yard items you no longer need or want

• Trim trees

• Create an outdoor hang-out space

• Invest in some patio furniture

• Try a fire pit

• Put up outdoor string lights


Plants (indoors or out) are a huge passion around here; they brighten up life! If you haven’t done

much gardening before we’d definitely recommend making it a part of your spring.

• Clean out the garden beds

• Add fresh soil with fertilizer

• Plant spring-time flowers, such as petunias

• Add some hanging flower pots to your porch or patio

• Put up window boxes

• Plant a new tree

• Grow a flower garden from seed

• Build some garden boxes

• Start vegetable seedlings inside

• Find a community garden

• Create an indoor herb garden

• Start a vegetable garden

• Pick plants to help meet your family’s nutritional goals

• Select plants your can preserve after the growing season ends

• Plant some perennial fruit bushes

• Find a salsa recipe for your homegrown produce

• Try your hand at canning, to prep for all the produce you’ll be growing

• Start composting


Who else is excited to get outside after being cooped up all winter? Here’s to fresh air and


• Sign yourself and/or your family up for a sports league

• Pick up a new outdoor hobby

• Try pickle ball

• Explore a new park

• Find some local hiking trails near you

• Swim in a creek

• Try a new campground

• Go for a day trip to the lake

• Sign up for the local recreation center

• Plan a trip

• Reconnect with friends

• Prep for Easter

• Find someone to longboard with

• Hit the beach

• Fire up the grill

• Roast some hot dogs and s'mores

• Break out the yard games


Holiday celebrations can make it hard to make time for yourself. Spring is a great opportunity to

prioritize you!

• Review any goals you set at the beginning of the year

• Evaluate habits you want to change

• Decide on a few health and fitness goals

• Meet with a nutritionist

• Add some green to your meals

• Try new recipes

• Find a new food blog you like

• Incorporate more activity into your daily routine

• Set aside personal time each day for exercise

• Get outside

• Pick up a new sport

• Join a soft-ball team

• Go for a jog

• Find a gym you like

• Meet with a personal trainer

• Join a yoga class

• Try out boxing

• Sign up for a self-defense class

We hope these fun to-dos provide some inspiration and help you get the most out of this beautiful

time of year. Happy Spring!

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