Learning to Celebrate Your Successes

Success should feel good. It should make you proud of yourself! But like anything in life, celebrating your own success can come with layers. Whether you’re the kind of person to scream your excitement from the rooftops, or the type to shy away from recognition altogether, it’s important to recognize your own achievements.

Celebrating success helps build confidence, and it keeps you moving forward when the going gets tough. Today’s blog post outlines how to celebrate success on your own, with others, and how to use it as a tool to propel you forward. There are many ways to recognize and celebrate these special moments in life, and these tips are meant to help you do so wholly and thoughtfully. 


Take a moment for yourself

If you can find a spare moment for yourself right after a success “happens,” take it. By taking a beat to celebrate yourself, by yourself, you allow yourself to soak up all the goodness and pride without any distractions. If you want to scream with excitement, do it (as long as you’re in the right place). If you want to punch the air with pride, do it! If you want to jump into journaling about how this moment makes you feel, scribble away in your Golden Coil planner or notebook. Finding some upbeat music to belt out and dance to is another great way to enjoy this happy moment with yourself.

Treat yourself to something nice

Everyone likes to say “treat yourself” and you should! You don’t need to do or buy anything extravagant (unless of course, you want to, then go right ahead!). But you should—if you’re able—reward yourself with something that makes you feel good. Once you know how you want to treat yourself, pencil it into your Golden Coil planner to really make it happen. 


Share your success with your network and community

What’s the point of life if you don’t get to share it with the people you love? Finding success is a cause for celebration! Remind yourself that sharing your success with your network and community doesn’t have to equate to bragging—you’re simply sharing your joy and allowing the people you love to celebrate these moments with you.

Show appreciation

No journey is truly conquered alone. Expressing your appreciation for the people who have helped you is a great way to show gratitude. Flip back through the pages of your planner and think back on all the penciled-in meetings and shared moments that have helped you get to where you are. Reminisce on the good times and bad, and don’t hesitate to reach out and thank important people. Doing this can help you reflect on your journey and gain perspective. This way you can say to yourself “wow, I—we—really did that.”


Recognize your progress 

Success doesn’t always have to be measured in steps or quantifiable moments. Success can be found through the journey itself. Our Golden Coil Goals page is great for this because you can zone in on what you want to accomplish daily, weekly, monthly, and even over the course of a year. You can track your progress while progress is happening. This will help you be consistent and hold you accountable to your goals, so you really follow through. Part of recognizing and celebrating success comes from the process of striving to make it happen. With hard work and a little planning help, there’s nothing you can’t do!

Use this success to propel you forward

It’s so important to sit in and soak up your celebratory moments of success. You don’t always need to be on the lookout for the “next best thing,” but you’re also allowed to keep dreaming bigger and better. Success can be a motivating factor to propel you forward into the next chapter you want to write. Whenever you achieve something great, take what you’ve learned from it, but don’t be afraid to keep going.

No matter how big or small your successes are, they’re worth celebrating. Life is too short not to grab onto these moments of excitement, pride, and joy. If you’re on the receiving end of success, remind yourself: you deserve it.