25 Prompts for Empowered Journaling

One of my favorite empowerment quotes comes from the author, F. Scott Fitzgerald:

“For what it’s worth: it’s never too late or, in my case, too early to be whoever you want to be. There’s no time limit, stop whenever you want. You can change or stay the same, there are no rules to this thing. We can make the best or the worst of it. I hope you make the best of it. And I hope you see things that startle you. I hope you feel things you never felt before. I hope you meet people with a different point of view. I hope you live a life you’re proud of. If you find that you’re not, I hope you have the courage to start all over again.”

Empowerment looks and feels different for everyone, and it can change over time. 

For some, empowerment might mean speaking up and out about things they’re passionate about. For others, it may be quiet—something that isn’t necessarily visible to others, but instead, felt on the inside. The point is, empowerment is up to you. Journaling is one of the simplest and best tools for helping you feel empowered. A page and pen provide a safe and open space for you to reflect on your own experience with empowerment and feeling confident. It’s also where you can explore what it means as you grow and move forward. 

Here are 25 prompts for empowered journaling:

  1. How does empowerment look and feel to you?

  2. Define the word “empowerment” in your own words.

  3. Describe an environment where you feel like your best, truest, and most powerful self. What does this space look and feel like, and who’s there?

  4. If you had the power to do or change anything, what would you use your power for?

  5. Name three people in your life who make you feel empowered. How do they inspire you and what qualities do they bring out in you?

  6. Name a person (or people) you really admire. This could be a celebrity or public figure. Write about how they seem to be empowered themselves, and how they help you feel empowered.

  7. Make a list of things you currently do in an effort to feel empowered. 

  8. Make a list of things you’d like to try that might help you feel more empowered.

  9. Reflect on the last year or few years. What challenges have you overcome? Write about your journey getting to where you are now, and what you’ve learned in hindsight. 

  10. Does journaling make you feel empowered? In what ways?

  11. Is there a quote or piece of advice you’ve received that’s helped empower you? Write it down and reflect on why this is. 

  12. No matter how big or small, in what ways do you think you’ve made an impact on the world? 

  13. Write about a moment in your life when you felt really empowered.

  14. If you could go back in time and empower your younger self, how would you choose to empower him or her? What tools or advice would you offer?

  15. Ask yourself: In what ways am I hard on myself? How can I actively choose to be kinder?

  16. What fear/s are currently holding you back from achieving your goals and reaching your dreams?

  17. Describe an outfit that makes you feel really confident. Talk about why you love it.

  18. Reflect on compliments and positive feedback you’ve been given over the years. Why are these words so impactful for you?

  19. In what ways can you maintain or change your routine to empower yourself on a daily basis?

  20. How do you feel about doing things alone? Does being alone make you feel uncomfortable or empowered? 

  21. What’s something “superficial” that helps give you confidence? 

  22. Name a tool (like a planner) that helps give you a sense of control. What’s your favorite part of using this tool?

  23. What’s something “silly” or seemingly mundane that makes you feel empowered?

  24. How do you feel about the process of journaling? Do you feel different when you finish writing your thoughts down? 

  25. What does taking control of your life look like to you?

No matter what empowerment means to you, I hope these prompts inspire you to feel, explore, and understand what power, confidence, and strength look like to you. Because at the end of the day, that’s what really matters.

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