New to Planning? Start Here.
If you’re reading this post, chances are, you’re either new to planning or new to Golden Coil. Whatever the case is for you, welcome! We are SO glad to have you here and can’t wait for you to get your hands on the MOST life-changing planner. Seriously, you are going to love it.
Today, we will break down in simple terms how to get started. We’ll walk through designs that are perfect for beginners and even how to break in that planner once it arrives.
Layouts: Start Basic
When choosing the contents of your planner, our best advice is to keep it basic (for now). Use one of our tried and true weekly layouts that don’t require a huge time investment. Two of our favorites are shown below! Choose minimal +Pages (for now). As you build the habit of using your planner each week, you will be better able to add layers of depth and complexity to your planning routine. But for your very first planner, it’s all about creating a strong foundation with the basics.
Here are our two favorite layouts for beginners:
Weekly Double-Page: HORIZONTAL 1
Weekly Single-Page: SECTIONS 2
Length: Keep it Short
Did you know that you can design your planner to start and end whenever you’d like? As long as you’re within the required page range (86 - 242 pgs), you can have a 3-month planner or an 18-month planner. For those who are brand new to planning, we’d say the sweet spot is about six months! You’re getting great value and substance in your planner, but you’re not committed for 12+ months to the first layout you try.
According to many experts, it takes approximately 90 days to build a habit. So by the time you’ve hit six months worth of planning in your Golden Coil, you’ve theoretically built a great habit, and have had several months to get a good feel for your new routine. By then, you’ll know what’s working within your planning routine, and what’s lacking. Maybe, by this point, you’re ready to add some new elements to your planner, like a budget tracker, a meal planner, or additional lined pages for note-taking/journaling.
Getting Started with Planning
When the planner arrives (yay!) it’s time to get started. Pick a regular planning place and time - a place that you’ll have solitude, a time that you will be focused. For me, it was always at my kitchen table around 9:00 each Sunday night. Once you’ve found your place, cozy up with a great fine tip pen and fill out your first weekly layout. Don’t overwhelm yourself with a 2-hour planning session the first week. Just take it one week, one layout at a time. Try to stick to a rhythm once you’ve identified what works for you.
To make your planner the very most effective after it’s been filled out for the week, be sure to keep it OPEN in a visible place that you frequently look at. Examples might include: at your desk, on the kitchen counter, on the coffee table, next to your laptop, etc.
If you fall off the planning train for a little while, no worries. That’s normal! Just hop back on as soon as you remember. Open up that planner and keep it right in front of you. Focus on how planning (and following through) makes you feel! If you’re anything like us, you’ll be amazed at the difference planning makes in your day-to-day. It’s our hope that you’ll experience greater direction, more efficiency, and a heightened sense of mindfulness.
Best wishes on your planning journey, friends! If you have any questions in the process of getting started, please feel free to reach out to us at We are always happy to help!