10 Ways to Show Love in February

With February being the “month of love” we thought it would be fitting to share a few great ways to show love to yourself, family, friends or complete strangers! It doesn’t have to be something big and extravagant to make someone else feel special!


1.     Write a handwritten note:

 This is one of my favorite ways to show love! It can be a simple sticky note on the mirror for a significant other or a handwritten letter to a good friend. There is so much that can be done with this!


2.     Send a small care package:

 These are SO fun to send and to receive! It could be a themed care package, like a “sunshine box”, where everything inside is yellow and happy, or it can be all of your loved one’s favorite things! Snacks, chapstick, stickers, pictures, bubble bath, fuzzy socks, the options are endless!


3.     Words of affirmation in a journal or planner:

 This one is for showing yourself love! If you are using your Golden Coil planner, consider writing some words of affirmation for yourself daily or weekly! Read them at the end of each day/week! Or, if you prefer journaling – write down some affirmations at the end of each entry!


4.     Send flowers:

 Receiving flowers is one of our personal favorites! It doesn’t have to be an extravagant bouquet to make a difference in someone’s day! You can send them through a local flower shop or if you enjoy gardening, dropping some off from your personal garden can make it extra special!


5.     Go to the gym and make nutritious, satisfying meals:

 This is another way to show yourself love! Loving your body is so important, and fueling it in a way that is satisfying and healthy a great way to do so! The gym can be a time to clear your mind, socialize with friends and de-stress after long days or weeks!


6.     Offer to clean a friend’s house/car:

 This one is great because it is free and usually makes a huge impact on someone’s day! Offering to clean a friend’s house is one of the kindest things you can do! Or, if their car is somewhere they spend a lot of time, give it a good vacuum, wash and wipe down! Top it off with a nice air freshener and your loved one will be thinking of you every time they get in their car!


7.     Surprise a loved one at work with lunch:

 An unexpected visit at work can be super fun! And bringing food is always a good idea! It can easily turn someone’s day around for the better!


8.     Read to the elderly or young:

 Reading out loud to an elderly friend/family member or a young child is such a delight for those on the receiving end. It allows quality time and and entertainment for those that can’t read on their own!


9.     Volunteer at a shelter:

 Volunteering at a shelter of some sort is a great way to show love to complete strangers. It is also something that may help you feel more gratitude for the things you have and the lifestyle you live. Soup kitchens, food pantries, homeless shelters, etc. are always looking for volunteers and are grateful to those that help!


10.  Pay for the person behind you at a drive thru:

 This is such a great way to show a stranger love! And with any luck, you may get to impact more than one person if the person behind you continues the trend and pays for the person behind them! It has the potential to make many people’s day just a little better!


Whether your acts of kindness are big or small, showing love has a meaningful impact on both you and the receiver! Let us know if you give any of these a try or if you have some ideas of your own!

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