Prepping for Baby with Golden Coil

Preparing to bring a baby into the world is SO exciting. That being said, it’s no small task. There are lists to make, events to plan, things to buy, and bags to pack. Amidst all the logistics of making way for a new member of the family, it’s also an absolute necessity to care for your own health too. Our contributor, Kelli Briggs, who recently welcomed a third baby girl into her family shares her favorite ways to utilize Golden Coil as an expecting mother!


Let me tell you, prepping for a baby with Golden Coil on my side was a GAME CHANGER. If you are expecting a little one soon, here are my top suggestions:

1. Consider a Wellness Notebook

You know the saying… “you can’t pour from an empty cup” …this couldn’t be more true when it comes to motherhood (and the journey to get there)! My wellness notebook was my best friend all throughout pregnancy and postpartum. With a 4 year old and a 2 year old keeping me very busy, I needed cues to remember the basics. Like taking my prenatal vitamins and drinking enough water! The “Wellness” page was perfect for this. I also loved those blank spaces to chart the ever-changing needs of my body. Some weeks, I needed to track core and pelvic floor exercises. Other weeks, I wanted to focus on getting enough protein and healthy fats in my diet. In the third trimester, I needed to be sure I was getting my daily kick counts charted! 

2. Design Your Nursery Space

You and your baby will love spending time in a thoughtfully arranged space! What colors and decor pieces speak to you? What do you need most in a changing station or feeding area?  Which furniture choices make the most sense in your space? If this isn’t your first child, what items need to be replaced or replenished? Designing your nursery space in a Golden Coil notebook or planner could look like: 

  • A picture collage

  • A map of the nursery on grid paper

  • A series of sketches and notes

  • A list of ideas, to-dos and to-buys

This time spent preparing will serve as a space to envision your future, and as a wonderful memory to look back on!

3. Measurements for Memories

Truly, what our bodies can accomplish within 9 months (and after!) is remarkable. In retrospect, I am so happy that I chose to use the Golden Coil measurements page in my wellness journal. I initially thought it would be fun to use in the postpartum period, which I have indeed loved, but it was also amazing to use during pregnancy as I watched my body grow to make room for baby. This measurements page serves not only as statistical information as I work toward my goals, but also as a numerical memoir of a pretty amazing journey.

4. Add a Few Baby Charts

For at least the first 1-2 weeks of your baby’s life, you will need to track her input, output and sleep. I loved having plenty of these pages on hand when my little one was born. I found myself looking at my notebook frequently to see how long it had been since my baby’s last feeding, or which side I last nursed her on. This was also a very handy reference every time I needed to report to the pediatrician during a check-up!

5. Map (Your Celebration) in a Snap

If you’re planning a baby shower or celebration of any kind (in my case, a baby blessing celebration), be sure to utilize Golden Coil’s events layout. Seeing everything you’ll need to prepare on one page makes it easy to keep the “mom brain” in check. You’ll be able to better assess what to delegate, who to follow up with, and what remains to be done on your end. 

We’d love to hear from our other Golden Coil mamas out there. How did you use your planner or notebook to prepare for baby’s arrival?!

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