Staying Organized During a Move

This summer, my family and I are preparing for our second cross-country move in the last year. While moving can be stressful and overwhelming, I have found five tips that help me feel organized and on top of things throughout the process. I hope that if you have a move planned in the upcoming weeks or months ahead that these tips can help you too!

 1. Purge before packing!

When preparing for a move, try getting rid of any unnecessary items that you haven’t used in awhile. Start room by room – one day or week at a time so it doesn’t feel too overwhelming. Look at each thing you own and ask yourself, “Does this fit?” “Have I used this in the past 6 months or year?” “Does this bring me joy?” or, “Is this sentimental?” These questions can help you decide what is going to come in the move and what isn’t. It can also help you keep that fresh start feeling that comes with a new home! Unpacking and knowing that you only have things that are serving you well at that time can bring peace and joy with your new start!

2. Label and color coordinate each room.

When sorting and packing each box, make sure you are labeling everything well. Consider assigning a color to each room in your home and mark it with a sticky note or marker! Ex. kitchen = orange, kids room = blue, etc. By doing this, you can make the unloading portion of this process seamless. When you arrive at your new home, put a piece of paper with the coordinating box color on it so that whoever is helping you unload knows exactly where each box needs to go! 

3. Keep your valuables and important documents with you.

While moving, keep your most valuable or sentimental items with you – especially if this move is a farther one! Anything can happen to a moving truck or storage container in transit and it would be devastating to have anything that is irreplaceable go missing or get damaged. If it will fit in the trunk of your car or in your suitcase (if you are flying), put it there. That way you have peace of mind knowing you are in control of the things that mean the most to you! This also goes for any important documents that you have – SSN, Birth Certificates, Marriage Certificates, etc. Keep them with you! 

4. Prepare everything you can ahead of time to ensure the most comfortable, stress-free move possible!

  • Wash all your bedding, towels, bath mats, and shower curtains and put them in a vacuum sealed bag with a dryer sheet. That way when you take your first shower and climb into your bed the first night in your new home after a long day of unpacking – you will have had fresh towels and sheets! Best Feeling EVER.

  • Schedule a grocery pickup order for the day you arrive in the new city. This way you have some food for at least a few days while you get settled – consider having some paper products included in your order so you don’t have to worry about finding your packed dishes/silverware right away.

  • Have a bag packed for each family member with a few days of clothes and any essential toiletries or mediations they may need. If something happens to your truck or shipping container while in transit, you can feel comfortable knowing you have the essentials to get you through a few days. Also, if you have children, consider having a bin of their favorite toys/books readily available for this reason as well!

5. Go with the flow!

It is unlikely that your move will go perfectly with absolutely no hiccups. However, knowing that you have done everything you can to prepare will give you the peace of mind you need to tackle your move!

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